Well-Known Member
I dont care that Miller tried to cheat the test, This news was out a month ago, how in the hell is it new news to everyone now... He is doing his time, time to Support the man. He has admitted the wrong and is starting over. Hell it was POT. not PED or DUI where he could kill someone or GUNS for that matter... I am just tired of everyone killing on Miller. Pot really? Ok it is not legal in the NFL but give me a little break here. Like most of America hasnt done it... I believe he has learned from it and he deserved the suspension he got. Period LOL
Actually, it was never revealed that a positive test for any substance was discovered. He was penalized for cheating the test, and the sample that tested as diluted was considered a positive by rule. So in reality, we may never know what he was actually trying to cover up. Could have been pot, could have been a PED. All we do know was he tested positive for a couple rec. drugs (pot being one) in his initial test in 2011.

That said, he no longer has any credibility with me. All I want is for him to get back on the field, stay there, and do his job. If he can't do his job, then the Broncos have no use for him (and neither do I), no matter how talented he may be.