Rex Racer
Ireverrent Member
HAHAHA! True I try to tell myself that.... I've tried everything to fix it (well until I saw the video) and nothing seems to work.
Didn't work for me, but it sure helped the Mrs. ....added about 20 yards to her drive.
Wow. When he was talking about the things people do that mess up their shots, he perfectly described my swing
I'm gonna have to get to the range and give these a try. Great video.
For those of us with helpless "duck hook and slice in the woods" drives...never under estimate the power of the "foot wedge", probably the most under-valued club in the bag today.
Same. I know for a fact I am terrible at lining up consistently when I pull out the driver. I'll be sure to give this a shot
Choke down on the club. Easy way to hit straight
Here is another tip that for some reason did wonders for me (granted I am not at the level of some of you). I am not sure what it is about this tip, but it helped me hit it straighter, longer & more consistently with all of my clubs especially the longer ones.
Gentlemen, the PGA pool is up and running on this thread; PGA Championship | SportsHoopla Sports Forums and the rules are explained in comment #7.
Come and try your luck!