Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
Why? Why do this?
I know as much about British Law as I do about Bird Law so I'll just assume if literally the entire Supreme Court there thinks Boris Johnson unlawfully prorogued parliament then that's probably what happened (and the Queen should've probably stopped him from doing so but that's another conversation...).
But considering Johnson was trying to call an election before he did so this is disingenuous as hell from Corbyn:
You could've made that happen, dingus. You chose not to because despite how bad this guy is people still for whatever reason think he's better than you would be.
Who do you think that 13% "BRX" support is for lolAt least they have stopped listening to Nigel Farage.
Who do you think that 13% "BRX" support is for lol
I thought she was pretty damn eloquent for 16 years old - Of course, he couldn't resist mocking her.
I thought she spoke pretty damn well too. Presented pertinent, quantified facts. Avoided redundancies. And made a coherent point (whether you agree with it or not).
Basically it was everything that a Trump speech is not. And she did it in her second language.
And he does what he does. Tries to bully someone. In this case a 16 year old girl. The POTUS is cyber bullying a 16 year old girl. That's where we are today.
And she wants to change things?!?!?!
I thought she was pretty damn eloquent for 16 years old - Of course, he couldn't resist mocking her.
Trudeau should’ve done a brown face Elvis in India instead of that whole orange praying thing.An American version of Elvis - Allrighty then.
Trudeau should’ve done a brown face Elvis in India instead of that whole orange praying thing.
An American version of Elvis - Allrighty then.
Trudeau should’ve done a brown face Elvis in India instead of that whole orange praying thing.
I don't know @dash . That reads like the transcript of a man who is all shook up.