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Holy cow!
Holy cow!
I'm not sure if "person who pisses you off the least" is the correct way to vote, but if using that criteria, I'm voting for the brown guy.
I tried to post a few gifs that recreated what this would have looked like to nearby bystanders, but they were deemed inappropriate.
That was a great show.
Markie post sparked the fire
/mind you shes no Wendy Mesley
She was outstanding!!
After Christine Sullivan, Billie was kind of a letdown.Markie post sparked the fire
/mind you shes no Wendy Mesley
And all this time I thought Crick was the issue with their club house fights.Oh good, Felipe Vazquez is a *********. Fantastic, exactly the news I wanted to see this morning.
Well, Pirates, release him immediately, I guess, and hope you don't have to give him $15 million severance (per his contract terms) for raping a minor. And he can burn, for all I care.
Let's not forget Soap
What comeds mom said to him as he walked into the bathroom this morning
So, Conan O'Brien is the new national security advisor?!? He'll be a lot more fun than Bolton.