Kimmo Forever
I am totally open to our guest. As a matter of fact PenVo isnt a guest. He has been invited here to stay and post at his will. Get your facts straight, asshole.
Man, wouldn't that be HI-larious. Penvo shows up and we're infighting so much he decides to go back to the swamp.
Let's not scare away the guests. Don't call assholes like yourselves assholes, assholes.
you guys are all assholes.. lets just leave it at that.
post, schultz. I know youre lurking
I hope Bobby Clarke reads this thread and bitchslaps all of you...votin' on a Penguin.......y'all should be ashamed....
If he signs up, stays or goes doesn't matter to me one bit.
I just know he won't be a major distraction here on the Flyer's board. That's for damn sure!
I think the little guy will be just fine
I thought you were talking about PenVo, not Pandolph
those short jokes did get funny sometimes.
I just let PenVo know to check his messages.
I like trolls. Blowhunter coming to our board would sometimes be very amusing and hilarious. I dont think we needs the much troll here but even if PenVo did troll Id be fine. I hope we can tear him a new asshole (He'd blend right in with all of you!) if he starts talking trash and the Pens get steamrolled by the Flyers...maybe, just maybe
woah woah woah.. auto i told you that i'm still not over the gaping wound that the wings left on me.. to come over here and bring up our legend being disappointed with us?
i'm disappointed with you sir.. comin over here like you own the place (*said while shaking my head)
and for the record i voted nay (but we should probably delete those of us who voted nay.. i feel like it would hurt the feelings of said person).. so he's not disappointed in me