Well-Known Member
What other stuff would he be doing? There really aren't that many things you can do to enhance your performance that are not ok outside of taking illegal substances. It is extremely unusual because there is nothing that can help you nearly as much as PEDs. I can't even think of anything outside of stealing signs or corking your bat. (also extremely unusual) Outside of Sosa with the bat thing I can't think of anyone in the steroid era accused of doing anything else. (there could be but I can't think of one).I understand that argument. But he got caught running with the ball when everyone in the world knew running with the ball was no longer allowed, and moreover, it was the BIGGEST rule in the game. If he had that kind of gall to continue running with the ball in that environment, that tells me he is probably doing lots of other stuff that is against the rules as well.
There are only 5 players who have potential in this discussion who fall into this category (Palmeiro, Cano, Rodriguez, Tatis, Ramirez). EVERYONE else got the message.
Also I'm sure not Everyone else got the message. I'm absolutely sure some people have slipped through the cracks over the years. Look at a guy like Nelson Cruz. Never failed a drug test but suspended for 50 games. How long was he doing it without anyone noticing?