Rarest Member
So does my uncle, he has a whole closet and safe full of them. We were drinking one night and decided to give me a tour of his collection. I didnt know what half of them were, but I just went along with the "oooh ahhh".
You shawty.
What are you studying?
It's Spanish.... Learning a new language largely has to do with how your brain works. A 5 year old could learn 10 languages at once. A 40 year old lawyer could struggle to learn one.
But it's not that new to me. I've taken Spanish classes before and I spoke Spanish as a kid. I can talk all day in Spanish about things in the present and the future but I'm struggling with the past tenses.
Hmmm. Did you used to struggle with that, or kind of a new development? If it's new...you might have had a stroke. ;-) Okay, I am actually curious though.
I haven't studied or spoken in past tenses in..... 12 years? I don't think I had a problem with it before, but again, I'm used to reading and writing, not speaking. I keep accidentally defaulting to the present tense.