Resident Rehabilitator
I just bought 2012 used for 15 bucks
I will plorst about this game next summer guise!
I will plorst about this game next summer guise!
I just bought 2012 used for 15 bucks
I will plorst about this game next summer guise!
$15??? That game is hot.
Only had one freeze and that was in dynasty mode, after the game ended it froze on the loading screen.
BTW im now below .500 hope to turn it around soon.
$15??? That game is hot.
Anyone have any issue with the game freezing in the menu's? Right after I press start at the main menu and you go through the arch, my game just freezes. Have tried resetting several times now and it keeps happening in the same spot.
I just bought 2012 used for 15 bucks
I will plorst about this game next summer guise!
Additionally the settlement dictates that EA will not renew its current agreement with the NCAA – which is currently set to expire after NCAA Football 14 – for a period of at least five years. The company is also not allowed to make a deal with Arena Football for that same period. This will not affect any plans for exclusivity with the NFL though EA appears to be the less satisfied party between the two anyway.
This doesn't mean that EA Sports won't be able to make another college football game after NCAA Football 14. It just means that EA Sports will have to enter into a new contract with the NCAA that allows other publishers to use the NCAA license to make college football video games as well. That is, if another publisher is willing to take on the NCAA Football. The last to do so was Sega's College Football 2K3 and that was before the exclusivity agreement.
This may be the last year of EA's NCAA football...
Settlement Over Pricing of EA Sports Football Products Carries Major Ramifications |
What I want to know is this: Who can step in and deliver a valid, entertaining product???
It’s not entirely clear whether that means EA will be unable to produce an NCAA licensed game or if they’ll just have to come to an agreement on a non-exclusive deal but it’s probably the latter. It’s unlikely any other company would be prepared, or find it financially viable regardless, to jump in under that scenario.
^ to me it sounds like they will keep making the game, just losing the exclusive rights to it.
I hope like hell they keep making it, i am still pissed they discontinued college hoops.
This may be the last year of EA's NCAA football...
Settlement Over Pricing of EA Sports Football Products Carries Major Ramifications |