Chuck Member
psh. why you me???
drunk question #1 of the night: Do you all think avi's give you a sense of a personality thing as felt by another poster?
ex....irule has his dog and you all see have this vision of him....if he changes it to, say, Taylor does you vision of him change at all? or Husker in SEC Land has his monkey (which I like)...would you feel differently about him if he changed it to say a dove or some shit?
A dove? A fucking dove?!
It's alright monkey, I'd never do it.
psh. why you me???
I would like to visit england...and ireland. i hear good golf in ireland.
I don't play golf, but I don't mind it. I do like the drinking aspect, if thats how you roll that is[/QUOTE]
...don't we all roll that way...
pheasants are in season here all year, they just have to be shot in the air and not on the ground. Let me sat that they are everywhere. Not seen any doves though
No drinking on a friday night or gameday for brasky. smh..