One day it will all make sense
Which side of the QB idea you do/don't like?
I guess id be fine with that, i hate FAAB for football. It constantly creates headaches with timing and processing.
Which side of the QB idea you do/don't like?
What's up with the racist stuff?
Not sure, maybe on other forums cause I haven't noticed it in FF threads but I could be wrong
???we will choose the 16 teams not based on AFC or NFC... but every owner will choose a team they want to draft from...
Oh, okay. Whew. I thought you meant that would be the only team we could draft from!just a milkian complication that I think will be fun...
every owner picks a team they want to draft from... doesn't mean they have to draft anyone from that team... just a fun random way to pick the 16 NFL teams...
especially if some don't want to do AFC or NFC because it doesn't have their favourite team...
Sorry, nope I'm out. You lost me at free.With that wrinkle, we can do it with 13 owners, or 16, or 22... anything up to 24 is still free.
(Reminder this is a one-off test season. If it works, real dynasty would start next year.)
@wilwhite - FALCONS
@Yellow Fuzzies (hoping you opt back in)
@broncosmitty -lions
@Bandit - are you in for a one-year free test?
I'll suggest when people chime in they name the NFL team whose players they want in the pool - and then we can get the draft started.
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