Well-Known Member
I cut the grass this morning from 11 -1 and it killed me. I had to nap until 5 tonight afterwards. I cut the backyard tonight and it was alot more bareable.
I cut the grass this morning from 11 -1 and it killed me. I had to nap until 5 tonight afterwards. I cut the backyard tonight and it was alot more bareable.
For you gamers out there: is Killzone 2 any good? I'm thankin' bout demoing it...
Black Ops FTW.
I wish the maps on Black Ops were bigger..........I dislike how they are all set up for rushing en sech. I like to pick people off from across the map with an m16 or sniper..........I literally never rush.
This is the first cod I've ever played, and my friend told me the maps on MW2 were all wide open and people who rushed got destroyed. But these maps seem to help rushers out a lot since they are so compact.