You brought up exactly the problem..men also have families yet are not at a competitive disadvantage by your own indirect admission that women are at a disadvantage if they have families. That is exactly what the article describes. Point is there should be no disadvantage for women who have families as there is by your admission no disadvantages of men having families. In fact, women are doing more that the men in terms of both running a family and having a career. But due to the circumstances and the nature of male bonding they are often omitted from the higher positions whether or not they have families due to preconceptions of what women can and cannot do. And BTW once again CATO is not an objective source of anything..and the people who lecture are paid by CATO to give points of view which they agree with. BTW your victim crap is just that..women have been victims long before any of "creating victimization mentality" thesis. Everything they have gotten they had to fight for. Same for other minorities. We see and observe and go through life everyday experiencing various forms of racism. Not everyone is racist nor is it always intended to have racial overtones but it exists and surrounds us all the time. Less so in the Bay Area and California...but certainly in the countryside and certainly in the South. There is no such thing a double blind study on what we experience but it is what we experience and no less valid. Certainly more valid than an empty denial by you. You argument is that it doesn't exist because it doesn't conform to your opinion...but it does conform to my life experience. Hence my comment is racism, prejudice and sex discrimination are pervasive and come in many forms which many of experience on a personal level. In fact, it is rather common and we laugh it off most of the time...but it certainly is there.