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Mar 13, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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This is for you and you only, since race means everything to you. Normally I wouldn't waste my time posting this sh8 up, but I know sooner or late you're going to come accross this article and blame the Obama administration for propangandizing this trash:

Cam Newton says black quarterbacks starting in NFL no cause of celebration - ESPN

Got no problems with black QBs in the league Bingo. The NFL is a "Best man gets he job" profession (excpet when it comes to hiring coaches) and I'm all for that. What I hate is when people want something handed to them because of the color of their skin. The NFL don't hand out shit to its players, they earn it! I'm all for anybody who earns their way.


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Q1 : Are you inferring that coaches are hired due to the color of their skin? Q2: Are you inferring that "people" are hired due to the color of their skin and if so which "people" and what skin color are you talking about and what jobs did they get that they didn't deserve?


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Mar 13, 2012
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Q1 : Are you inferring that coaches are hired due to the color of their skin? Q2: Are you inferring that "people" are hired due to the color of their skin and if so which "people" and what skin color are you talking about and what jobs did they get that they didn't deserve?

No. In order to infer something I would have to be drawing a conclusion from something you said. I am, however, implying that, yes, some people get interviewed for coaching jobs in the NFL because of the color of their skin. Its called the Rooney Rule. It is a blatantly racist rule but the NFL is allowed to get away with it.


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Actually we are all black people..we just moved north and east and around the world about 40000 yrs. ago. All people have the genetics to be either white or black or yellow or red or brown if given enough time for their skin color to change to adapt to the intensity of the sun. The whole Human genome is quite homogeneous as compared to chimpanzees of neighboring troupes. We only think we are different but actually we are all very similar to the point of being almost identical. We are all brothers who moved north out of Africa then lost our color to allow more sun in to make ....vitamin D. Skin color is just nature's sun block.


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
The problem I have with your statement is this phrase: "What I hate is when people want something handed to them because of the color of their skin". Do you have that same problem with whites or the rich who have been given job preference due to their social status and color of their skins?


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Mar 13, 2012
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Actually we are all black people..we just moved north and east and around the world about 40000 yrs. ago. All people have the genetics to be either white or black or yellow or red or brown if given enough time for their skin color to change to adapt to the intensity of the sun. The whole Human genome is quite homogeneous as compared to chimpanzees of neighboring troupes. We only think we are different but actually we are all very similar to the point of being almost identical. We are all brothers who moved north out of Africa then lost our color to allow more sun in to make ....vitamin D. Skin color is just nature's sun block.

Wait a minute now the Christian nuts at work tell me the earth is only 6000 years old. How could this be?


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Mar 13, 2012
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The problem I have with your statement is this phrase: "What I hate is when people want something handed to them because of the color of their skin". Do you have that same problem with whites or the rich who have been given job preference due to their social status and color of their skins?

How could you possibly have a problem with that statement? Are you saying you approve of things being handed to people because of the color of their skin? You approved of all that nonsense that went on down south 50 years ago with the "whites only" bullshit? Yes. I have a problem with anyone who gets things handed to them that they don't deserve.


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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So you have a problem with the majority of welfare and food stamps going to whites ...correct. You have a problem with GW Bush getting into Yale with a C average and a 1200 SAT score ..right? So that means you didn't vote for him right...? And you have a problem with women being paid less for the same work as men..and women being denied job promotions due to their sex..right? And the way the south is run in general ...right?


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Mar 13, 2012
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[QUOTE=optimist4720;3609132]So you have a problem with the majority of welfare and food stamps going to whites ...correct. You have a problem with GW Bush getting into Yale with a C average and a 1200 SAT score ..right? So that means you didn't vote for him right...? And you have a problem with women being paid less for the same work as men..and women being denied job promotions due to their sex..right? And the way the south is run in general ...right?[/QUOTE]

Had a feeling you were lying so I looked it up.

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Jul 4, 2013
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[QUOTE=optimist4720;3609132]So you have a problem with the majority of welfare and food stamps going to whites ...correct. You have a problem with GW Bush getting into Yale with a C average and a 1200 SAT score ..right? So that means you didn't vote for him right...? And you have a problem with women being paid less for the same work as men..and women being denied job promotions due to their sex..right? And the way the south is run in general ...right?[/QUOTE]

Had a feeling you were lying so I looked it up.

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain

but he was right about everything else...


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Your source is current but the disparity is only 1% when comparing white /black and only reflects welfare not food stamps...and is taken during one of the worst economic recoveries of all time. Given whites start out with no inherent deficiencies of being a minority.. why so many whites on welfare in the first place? Could it be that wage disparity and being poor affects us all and minorities disproportionally? Also you didn't address how GWBush got into Yale and the inherent advantage certain groups have due to race and money and whether you have a problem with that. You seem to have the opinion people shouldn't take handouts...even the poor..does that also apply to the rich getting subsidies like farmers and corporations getting tax breaks to the point of paying no taxes?? Such as GE..


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
but he was right about everything else...

The rest of it notwithstanding, women making less money for doing the same work is a bull shit myth. Men work significantly more hours in a year on average than women do. In the medical profession alone, men work an average of 300 more hours than women. Men take less sick time, less "baby bonding" leave (maternity / paternity leave)...

Women aren't denied promotions or paid less due to their sex. There are simply fewer women who put as much into a career as there are men who do the same or more. But if a woman does as much as men do, they do just as well in those companies. It's yet another myth perpetuated by those who want to divide people politically.


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Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The rest of it notwithstanding, women making less money for doing the same work is a bull shit myth. Men work significantly more hours in a year on average than women do. In the medical profession alone, men work an average of 300 more hours than women. Men take less sick time, less "baby bonding" leave (maternity / paternity leave)...

Women aren't denied promotions or paid less due to their sex. There are simply fewer women who put as much into a career as there are men who do the same or more. But if a woman does as much as men do, they do just as well in those companies. It's yet another myth perpetuated by those who want to divide people politically.

Dude, no. Total bullshit. My wife works in high tech in the bay area... she is upper management. She is one of the most honest fair people I know, and I am not just saying that because she is mine. She will tell you without hesitation.... Women do not get promoted as fast and they do not get paid as well across the board.... its very very very true.

I will leave your sexist remarks alone.... but you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
Dude, no. Total bullshit. My wife works in high tech in the bay area... she is upper management. She is one of the most honest fair people I know, and I am not just saying that because she is mine. She will tell you without hesitation.... Women do not get promoted as fast and they do not get paid as well across the board.... its very very very true.

I will leave your sexist remarks alone.... but you are wrong.

So one woman's anecdotal perspective about one company means more than the fact that men work more hours than women do in almost every single industry? Way to be objective.


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Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Your source is current but the disparity is only 1% when comparing white /black and only reflects welfare not food stamps...

you need to consider the percentage of population that is white and the percentage of the population that is black to make such comparisons. But I don't think you should as it won't help your argument.

The best way to describe poverty is that if you are born into it, its far more likely you will stay in it.


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Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So one woman's anecdotal perspective about one company means more than the fact that men work more hours than women do in almost every single industry? Way to be objective.

Yeah dude, I know a ton of women who work in this environment. If you think one women is the only one that would confirm this then you are being irrational. And her one opinion having lived it, is certainly more relevent than a single white males perspective. I find all your little stats and observations ridiculous and offensive to women in general. Men work harder? Bullshit. Men put more time in? Bullshit.


Oct 27, 2011
Las Vegas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
A pretty good discussion of the topic: The latest quote from Newt Grinch: “I will go to the NAACP convention and explain to the African-American community why they should demand paychecks instead of food stamps,” said Newt Gingrich at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire.

The latest quote from Mr. Rick Santorum: “I don’t want to give Black people somebody else’s money, I want them to go out and earn their own money”.

My question to Mr. Grinch, who seems to think “Black Americans” are the only ones receiving welfare assistance is this: The welfare rolls are filled with triple the caucasian recipients than other races, so will he attend the next KKK rally to explain to the caucasian community that they too should demand a paycheck instead of a welfare check or food stamps?

Welfare: A White Secret

Come on, my fellow white folks, we have something to confess. No, nothing to do with age spots or those indoor-tanning creams we use to get us through the | winter without looking like the final stages of TB. Nor am I talking about the fact that we all go home and practice funky dance moves behind drawn shades. Out with it, friends, the biggest secret known to whites since the invention of powdered rouge: welfare is a white program. Yep. At least it’s no more black than Vanilla Ice is a fair rendition of classic urban rap.

Despite prevailing stereotype, Whites, not Blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars

SAY the word “welfare” and immediately the image of the lazy Black welfare queen who breeds for profit surfaces in the minds of those who have come to believe the hideous stereotype. It is a myth that persists despite government figures and authoritative studies showing that Whites overwhelmingly reap the lion’s share of the dole.The image of the Black “welfare cheat,” public aid advocates say, is based on misconceptions about poor minorities. The notion, they say, comes from society’s resentment of seemingly able-bodied people getting paid for doing nothing.

“For some people, there is a need to believe that there are
professional welfare recipients who are deliberately trying to get not
only what they need to survive, but more,” says Anne D. Hill, director
of programs for the National Urban League. “People say to themselves: ‘I
work. How come this person who appears to be healthy isn’t working?’ We
tend to equate our condition with others without fully knowing their

Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as “direct benefit payments for individuals” by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.

Social Security is the nation’s largest welfare program, although many Whites prefer to call it a retirement plan. The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six years shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time.

Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for “welfare cheats,” but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Among the poorest of the poor–single mothers, living below the poverty line with minor children to support 39.7 percent of AFDC clients are Black single mothers and 38.1 percent are White women with children. Food stamp recipients are 37.2 percent Black and 46.2 percent White. Medicaid benefits are paid to 27.5 percent Black recipients compared to 48.5 percent White clients.

Although the numbers show that Whites get the biggest chunk of public aid dollars, welfare critics still charge that Blacks shouldn’t collect 33 percent of welfare benefits when they only make up 12 percent of the general population. They say the imbalance proves their case that Blacks are too busy complaining and blaming racism for their plight to look for a job.

But racism is at the heart of the standard-of-living gap between Blacks and Whites, welfare advocates argue. Unlawful race-based hiring practices, they contend, keep Blacks from getting jobs that pay enough to lift them out of poverty. Until more blue-collar jobs open up to Black workers, Blacks will continue to battle poverty and the freeloader misconception.

Turning welfare reform into a “Black issue” makes racial scapegoating easy and allows stereotypes, like the Reagan era “welfare queen,” to go unchallenged, public aid supporters say. Right wing reformers cast Whites as “deserving” clients who are legitimately unable to pay their own way through no fault of their own. Blacks are labeled “undeserving” recipients who are looking for the feds to subsidize their slothfulness.

Now….reading the facts and truth listed above in this article….who actually are the recipients of welfare in the United States Of America? Caucasians by far.

I will list the facts and truth one more time….for those too ignorant, blind or racist to have comprehended them above….read them again below…..

Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as “direct benefit payments for individuals” by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.

Social Security is the nation’s largest welfare program, although many Whites prefer to call it a retirement plan. The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six years shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time.

Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for “welfare cheats,” but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.