Sarcastic F-wad
But those teams that have the huge payrolls are at least in contention every year. The smaller market teams have to build and then have a few year run and then start over again when all of their talent leaves for the bigger money.
That is just life.
The Yankees have set themselves up, in part thanks to geographic lottery, in part thanks to shrewd business practices, to have a competitive advantage. Why should they have to give that up?
If we do decide to "even the playing field", how do we do it? How deep does the commissioners office get involved with each teams inner workings?
Will there simply be a salary cap? The Spanks will simply divert funds to scouting and minor league development.
Will the development departments be limited? Then that will be an overall detriment to the players because they will not be handled as well.
MLB is also not the only game in town anymore. The Japan pros are getting more competitive every year. If the MLB puts restrictions on it's teams, they will begin to lose players to other countries. How do you propose that gets addressed?