I'll slap you with my member
Drunk people yelling your wife's name ...
Rory brought this on himself. Starts with shit like this - I was at the ryder cup in Minny. If you don't want fans to bark at you, don't start doing the Hulk Hogan

Drunk people yelling your wife's name ...
You're like a fucking retarded parrot.
Rory brought this on himself. Starts with shit like this - I was at the ryder cup in Minny. If you don't want fans to bark at you, don't start doing the Hulk Hogan
If you can't understand the different dynamics of a Ryder cup and a regular tournament then this discussion is pointless.
And besides, this should allow fans to yell anything that want at a golf tournament?
But the Ryder Cup is an entirely different ballgame. Golf fans with any sense understand and respect that.
But the Ryder Cup is an entirely different ballgame. Golf fans with any sense understand and respect that.