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surprisingly, more people were on Team bash Bo

People were really upset that Bo didn't address coaching changes right on the spot???
surprisingly, more people were on Team bash Bo
The questions are not what their employer wants. The questions are what the fans want to here the answers to. The media is an avenue for the fans to get information that we don't have access to. Now obviously they are not the only avenue but they are a very big avenue. I am not saying that we have to know everything because I don't want to know everything, but to bitch and moan that the media is out to get Bo and destroy the program and don't respect Bo is just flat out stupid. No matter how bad someone may feel the media in Nebraska is, they are angels compared to most other places like the south and the east coast.
The media are not respecting Bo or the University of Nebraska. The teleconference was about the recruit class. Bo and the University made it perfectly clear the parameters of what they were going to discuss and the media decided to change what they wanted hear. They are lucky Bo just didn't hang up the phone.
Dirk from the OWH is classless. I heard him today on 1620 and I was outraged when I heard his explanation why he continued to ask Bo the same question but slightly tweaking it thinking Bo would give more information (he referred back to the Texas aTm game). Even after Bo stated he wasn't discussing staff issues; Dick (No I didn't misspell his name) continued to ask the same fucking question. I have no idea how he graduated with a journalism degree as he obviously can't follow simple directions.
Bo didn't have to have teleconferences or a press conference. He allows the media in to get a glimpse of the recruiting class (I wouldn't be surprised if many of them streamed the conference to hear the head coach discuss them) and the media turns it into a circus.
The media are equal on the east/west/south/north; they all suck. They are all trying to get the scoop to sell papers or get readers to subscribe to their crappy twitter accounts.
It seems to me the media lost all respect from Bo when they called Fischer's parents while he was in the operating room and I don't blame him one bit.
As HH said, Fuck the media.
I wonder if Warren Buffett has to tell the press about his next move or why he vested in Coke or?
I am not saying the press is wrong for trying to get as much data as possible, but when the event such as yesterday was to welcome 17-18 year olds to their new home for the next 4 to 5 years, why diminish their day by trying to override what Bo had already laid out.
I am not pissed at the press, but I understand why Bo does what he does.
What people do not understand is there is no end to answering questions for the press. He answers one and it leads to another, then another and pretty soon he is looked at by those who have entrusted his confidence in, as someone they can't go to with information. (Players/Coaches).
I am not at all concerned with the butt hurt feeling the press has.
This is Bo's to run, and if you don't like it, go fuck yourself. Is there a happy middle ground? Possibly if the press was to start playing by the rules laid out!
You wanted a new coach, you wanted to have a winning record and the possibility to play in games that matter (Big Bowl games/Championships etc…), and you wanted a team that competed every game and were not embarrassed by teams with a name.
But I guess you wanted that team…. with the condition that the coach would cater to every whim and let everyone know in advance what team, coach and players are doing every second of the day. You want to know now what may happen next week, you forget there are others who are being interviewed, consulted and have family’s and jobs with other teams. You forget that for each action that is taken on our end, there is a reaction on another end and if you do not do your best to protect all involved, that you cause trust issues.
Like I said at the beginning of this. I have no problem with the press wanting to know as it is their job, but don't confuse the courtesy that is given you to be part of a press conference with the ignorance of "I will ask the same question 5 different ways to see if I can get him to stumble or open up" and Bo not becoming a little more then disturbed with your intent. He has a long memory...
Just My opinion though!
Who said anything about wanting to know everything? I know I didn't. I know the media doesn't think that.
I was not talking about any one person per se... I have listened to Shick & Nick... as well as Kevin and Michael in the afternoons and I enjoy listening to them. I am not trying to point them out specifically either… but as a whole (Sports Journalist).. But the reality is and if they are honest with you, they will tell you the same thing...
Their job is to get the answers to questions that the regular Joe can't get too and if that means they have to do things that appear improper or go about it in different ways, they will. "YOU" their audience is intrigued by this and it makes for great entertainment. (Advertisers love it as the ratings go up) this pays their bills...
They chalk it up to "Sorry Bo if your offended, but we are just doing our job" Our intent was not to hurt the reputation of that player or get that family in front of the news, or to break a story too early as to jeopardize some sort of action that is lined up.... but it just turned out that way while we were in the process of uncovering a story. The public (Fans have a right to know).
OH, that’s right... If Bo was a little more open with the press, these things could be avoided... REALLY??? REALLY???
How many times have we seen one question by someone in the press cause a reaction whereby 4 or 5 other microphones get shoved in the interviewee’s face for a follow up Q, then another and another…
When does it end? Oh I know..Remember when you played your little brother in some game and he kept wanting to play until he won… or got what he wanted.. That’s when it would end… if played by the journalist rules…
Much of the press have the entitlement attitude... which I say BS.
Once again, re read my previous post... not that it matters, but I do not get pissed at the press for doing what they do... IT IS WHAT IT IS, just don't be pissed at Bo for doing what he does in return...
1.) First of all, what is "improper" ways of getting information to you may be different than someone else.
Second, I know you said that you were not singling the radio guys on 1620 out but you did mention them by name. I feel like I can speak for Kevin and Mike'l at least because I do know them personally and say that they do not try and get the information by any means necessary. The amount of stuff that they know and do not actually say on their show is more than what they do say because it would be "improper" to report. You can not lump all media together like that.Again, the media here are angels compared to other places. It is a 2 way street between Bo and the media. Unfortunately, Bo only sees it as a one way street.
Yeah, Dirk referred to the A&M game. He asked about the refs. Bo said over and over again he wasn't talking about the refs. But what did Bo end up doing? Yep, he talked about the refs.
Coach Wilson in Indiana created this issue. He came out and said that a coach left his staff and is now coaching at Nebraska and will be coaching the secondary. Well when we already have a great secondary coach and a coach comes out and says that then the fans and media are going to want answers. Do you really think the media shouldn't have asked about it? If Bo isn't going to make himself available to even deny any questions then the media is going to go for any opportunity they have to try and get the answers. Same thing with the Fisher situation. The recruiting teleconference is a joke anyway. Bo refuses to talk about recruits individually so what is the point of the conference anyway? All Bo had to do was start the teleconference by saying soething about how he heard a coach said that we hired someone, that is not true and I will address stuff that is not recruiting at a later time. I a not saying that that would have completely stopped a question about the staff from being asked but I would have certainly slowed that talk down.
Of course Dirk asked the same question in different ways. That is journalism 101. Dirk and Mitch did their job and they did it VERY well.
If you think the media here is the same as the media on the east coast then you are crazy. If this was the east coast then the rumors about Sanders would have been headline news. Here they are pushed to the side in a respectful manner by the media because there are no facts to back any of that crap up.