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This is cool of Bradshaw


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Jul 3, 2013
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Bradshaw gave some great advice to Russ, What I love the most about this is minutes after winning the NFC title he's asking Bradshaw for advice…

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp2cD06cdW8]Russell Wilson Gets Super Bowl Advice From Terry Bradshaw - YouTube[/ame]


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Apr 18, 2013
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Yeah i may have not one ounce of like for the Stealers but Bradshaw was the first QB i watched a ton when i was young and he is a funny guy from what i have heard.


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Well that's a shame they cut out the video do to copyright…. If you can find it definitely watch it it's cool..


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Yeah i may have not one ounce of like for the Stealers but Bradshaw was the first QB i watched a ton when i was young and he is a funny guy from what i have heard.

Why this hate for the Steelers? I know about the freakin game, but surely it must be more than that? Did PIT somehow influence a bad game call? Seems like the hate should be towards the officials.

After being on this board and others to see just how much dislike SEA has for PIT has starting me to disliking SEA solely in retaliation...I finally had to catch myself...wtf...I really like a lot of their players, but the fans...my gosh...talk about misguided venom.

Now...carry on...my vent for today. Good luck next Sunday!


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Apr 18, 2013
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Why this hate for the Steelers? I know about the freakin game, but surely it must be more than that? Did PIT somehow influence a bad game call? Seems like the hate should be towards the officials.

After being on this board and others to see just how much dislike SEA has for PIT has starting me to disliking SEA solely in retaliation...I finally had to catch myself...wtf...I really like a lot of their players, but the fans...my gosh...talk about misguided venom.

Now...carry on...my vent for today. Good luck next Sunday!

When Ben got that TD and his shocked look that he had and then the big smile and the years of the Steelers fan's denying it even though just about everybody outside of Pittsburgh knew it was rotten,i mean it was not just one ref or one call and for the NFL to not investigate fumed many people,some even gave up on the NFL i know of two people after that.

I can dislike the ownership that in effect imo made that happen,ref's were paid off,now do i bash the Steelers on this board? nope i don't know of one Hawk fan that has,it's in the past.

I grew up being a big Steeler fan so imagine after that,just saying.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Why this hate for the Steelers? I know about the freakin game, but surely it must be more than that? Did PIT somehow influence a bad game call? Seems like the hate should be towards the officials.

After being on this board and others to see just how much dislike SEA has for PIT has starting me to disliking SEA solely in retaliation...I finally had to catch myself...wtf...I really like a lot of their players, but the fans...my gosh...talk about misguided venom.

Now...carry on...my vent for today. Good luck next Sunday!

No Venom for the Steelers man… I had plenty of venom for the refs back then but not for the Steelers.… Steelers play the kinda football I like and Seattle is built the same way… Ball control offense and great defense… My kinda football… Appreciate your input man…


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When Ben got that TD and his shocked look that he had and then the big smile and the years of the Steelers fan's denying it even though just about everybody outside of Pittsburgh knew it was rotten,i mean it was not just one ref or one call and for the NFL to not investigate fumed many people,some even gave up on the NFL i know of two people after that.

I can dislike the ownership that in effect imo made that happen,ref's were paid off,now do i bash the Steelers on this board? nope i don't know of one Hawk fan that has,it's in the past.

I grew up being a big Steeler fan so imagine after that,just saying.

I'll go on record saying there were bad calls in the game and SEA definitely got the wrong end of it...refs paid, etc..tough one to buy into there, kind of runs against the grain of the Rooney's old school MO, but you can't be too naive either.

I lot of people are up in arms about Sherman...definitely had a WWE or F (forget which it was) like moment, but I had no issue with it when you take everything into account, the timing of getting a mic jammed in his face...I believe what he said was true actually.


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I'll go on record saying there were bad calls in the game and SEA definitely got the wrong end of it...refs paid, etc..tough one to buy into there, kind of runs against the grain of the Rooney's old school MO, but you can't be too naive either.

I lot of people are up in arms about Sherman...definitely had a WWE or F (forget which it was) like moment, but I had no issue with it when you take everything into account, the timing of getting a mic jammed in his face...I believe what he said was true actually.

Yeah you know the game can get emotional for fans and far more the players so imo it is best to take a step back sometimes and just go with it.

After the interception and many Hawks were on the sidelines knowing they were going to the SB there was some guys with tears i know i saw Robinson, personally i can't fathom what they go through on that level.


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Well since it was brought up, the only thing you have to know about Superbowl 40 is mike holmgren afterwords flat-out implied the ref's shrewd Seattle (once he was back in front of the 12) and the NFL DID NOTHING! Show me of the four major US sports where that has happened before or since. To me that was the NFL admitting the calls sucked. (not that the game was rigged but they know it was horribly called) Anyways that's in the past, its time for Superbowl 48.


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Yeah i do not like bringing it up but we are here again,ESPN and many article's the next day were saying how the Hawks got screwed but were removed off the site's and replaced with the glory win by the Steelers.

One thing we have not seen nor will we, is the hawks past SB i doubt the NFL want's any mention of that unless they control it.

Can't go back so onward to NY.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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The Steelers are one of those teams that people can just dislike for no real reason other than they just do. When I was growing up we didn't have an NFL team so we all followed teams not in our area. I remember like the Cowboys and I did like the Steelers a little bit I guess, but got over it real quick and haven't cared for them since. Why? Who knows. I was a kid ffs. It has nothing to do with SB40. BTW, anyone who really thinks the refs were 'bought' off for that game or were told by the league to make the steelers win is ignoring history IMO. Suck ass officiating is as old as the sport itself. We did get royally screwed, but I don't for a minute think it was on purpose. It was incompetence.


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Before the Seahawks were a NFL team, NW fans just adopted a team or teams or root for and teams to root against. I always rooted against the Cowboys and 49ers, mostly because my older brother (what a front runner) rooted for them.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I dont hate the steelers per se..... Even tho i think their qb is a predator who should be in jail........ But people rather hate sherman a guy who is a bad winner and talks......

If seattle would of gotten and needed the td after the obvious bowman pick i wouldnt appologize....so i dont think steeler fans should apologize either. I do think the fact that the nfl never fined homlgren after saying the refs were incompetant is the nfls way of saying ...our bad.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I dont hate the steelers per se..... Even tho i think their qb is a predator who should be in jail........ But people rather hate sherman a guy who is a bad winner and talks......

If seattle would of gotten and needed the td after the obvious bowman pick i wouldnt appologize....so i dont think steeler fans should apologize either. I do think the fact that the nfl never fined homlgren after saying the refs were incompetant is the nfls way of saying ...our bad.
I know. Every steelers fan that shows their outrage over Sherman really makes me shake my head for that very reason. Their QB rapes people and yet they support him while our CB taunts people and *gasp* talks badly about a few of them in the press and we should be so morally outraged that we are weak classless people for not running him out of town with a pitch fork.

The selective moral outrage this last week has brought out the very worst in most of these fan bases. Sherman is the antichrist, but no one seems to have a problem with the 49'er employee that stiff arms one of our players during a live play. Popcorn falls on an opposing player and we are told you must find this person and hang them for such treachery and yet it was no big deal that this same player tore up a sign of a fan in the stands a few feet away the prior year.

We have seen over and over people making excuses to want to dislike our team and lump every player and every fan together. We as fans are guilty for the sins of our players. One guy is a loud mouth on our defense and the whole defense is made up of thugs. One fan dumps popcorn on a player and our entire fan base is said to be classless. Not the person who did it, but every single one of us.

Should we be surprised? Of course not. This is nothing new. We have heard for years that our HC is a known cheater. Why? Because the parents of one of his athletes accepted money they weren't allowed to take. I mean obviously he was guilty. Hell, he's obviously ok with cheating given that so many of his pro players are on drugs. I mean it MUST mean he is making them do it right? People finding excuses to hate us and flat out making things up is really nothing new. They hated us before this and would have still hated us if Sherman was exactly like Wilson in the press. It's what they do.

Mr. Tacoma

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I know. Every steelers fan that shows their outrage over Sherman really makes me shake my head for that very reason. Their QB rapes people and yet they support him while our CB taunts people and *gasp* talks badly about a few of them in the press and we should be so morally outraged that we are weak classless people for not running him out of town with a pitch fork.

The selective moral outrage this last week has brought out the very worst in most of these fan bases. Sherman is the antichrist, but no one seems to have a problem with the 49'er employee that stiff arms one of our players during a live play. Popcorn falls on an opposing player and we are told you must find this person and hang them for such treachery and yet it was no big deal that this same player tore up a sign of a fan in the stands a few feet away the prior year.

We have seen over and over people making excuses to want to dislike our team and lump every player and every fan together. We as fans are guilty for the sins of our players. One guy is a loud mouth on our defense and the whole defense is made up of thugs. One fan dumps popcorn on a player and our entire fan base is said to be classless. Not the person who did it, but every single one of us.

Should we be surprised? Of course not. This is nothing new. We have heard for years that our HC is a known cheater. Why? Because the parents of one of his athletes accepted money they weren't allowed to take. I mean obviously he was guilty. Hell, he's obviously ok with cheating given that so many of his pro players are on drugs. I mean it MUST mean he is making them do it right? People finding excuses to hate us and flat out making things up is really nothing new. They hated us before this and would have still hated us if Sherman was exactly like Wilson in the press. It's what they do.

Not only is he a cheater but he totally jumped ship before it all came down.

Accepting an offer for an NFL head coaching job on a team owned by an obscenely wealthy man dedicated to winning, being allowed to choose your GM and given veto power over him and being given an executive position in the organization qualifies as "jumping ship" in their deranged minds.

Jumping ship would be taking an assistant coaching job in Cleveland. Pete was handed the sweetest gig a football coach could ever dream of! He'd be out of his mind to turn that down. If that's the standard for jumping ship these days where do I sign up?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not only is he a cheater but he totally jumped ship before it all came down.

Accepting an offer for an NFL head coaching job on a team owned by an obscenely wealthy man dedicated to winning, being allowed to choose your GM and given veto power over him and being given an executive position in the organization qualifies as "jumping ship" in their deranged minds.

Jumping ship would be taking an assistant coaching job in Cleveland. Pete was handed the sweetest gig a football coach could ever dream of! He'd be out of his mind to turn that down. If that's the standard for jumping ship these days where do I sign up?

Carroll had passed up job offers in prior years and said he wouldn't leave for the NFL unless he was given the chance to have the control to build it his way. He also wanted to stay in the West. Every offer he had before wasn't giving him the control over player decisions. After Seattle fired Mora they went to Carroll and offered him a team and gave him full control over the program. It was what he had said he wanted for years. Exactly what he said.

Of course the haters don't want to hear that. Nothing that goes against their made up reasons to justify their hate is valid. They will not be weighed down by things as burdensome as the truth.

Mr. Tacoma

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Carroll had passed up job offers in prior years and said he wouldn't leave for the NFL unless he was given the chance to have the control to build it his way. He also wanted to stay in the West. Every offer he had before wasn't giving him the control over player decisions. After Seattle fired Mora they went to Carroll and offered him a team and gave him full control over the program. It was what he had said he wanted for years. Exactly what he said.

Of course the haters don't want to hear that. Nothing that goes against their made up reasons to justify their hate is valid. They will not be weighed down by things as burdensome as the truth.

Let 'em hate.

When your team advances to the big dance in the dramatic fashion ours did hearing a bunch of nobodies scream "but, but, but, Reggie Bush's car in college and um, um, um that Richard Sherman guy and your coach chews gum in a way that offends me and, um, fuck you!"

It really doesn't damper my mood.

Let 'em hate!


Jul 3, 2013
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Well, i'll admit to hating the fucking Steelers. Ever since I went to a Pittsbugh/Seattle game in the 90's (Moon was the QB) and wintnessed a 12 year old girl with a Seahawks jacket on get taunted and spit on by a bunch of weasel piss, iron city drinking assholes with no action from security, yeah I hate them. I felt so bad for her and her father (what was he going to do against 20 of them) that i'll never like that team or that human urinal of a city. I thought I was going to have to fight when I was in the pisser because I had a Seahawks hat on. Its unreal. Hell, it was only the 3rd game of the season and Seattle never hurt anybody up to that point. Its as if those fans want to act as horrible as possible and they get off on it. It doesnt make sense to me.

I realize its not all of them, but i've seen enough to gather an opinion. Plus I work in Robinson Township and have to hear all the whining all the time. I should have moved before I got married.


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The Steelers are one of those teams that people can just dislike for no real reason other than they just do. When I was growing up we didn't have an NFL team so we all followed teams not in our area. I remember like the Cowboys and I did like the Steelers a little bit I guess, but got over it real quick and haven't cared for them since. Why? Who knows. I was a kid ffs. It has nothing to do with SB40. BTW, anyone who really thinks the refs were 'bought' off for that game or were told by the league to make the steelers win is ignoring history IMO. Suck ass officiating is as old as the sport itself. We did get royally screwed, but I don't for a minute think it was on purpose. It was incompetence.

Very true...I grew up much the same way...no NFL in my town...as kids we adopted teams mostly that were popular during that era...early 70s. Lot of Dolphins, Cowboys, Vikings fans back then...Mine was a little different...as a 10 y/o watching football live (mostly HS games) you never really saw much passing like the NFL, but on the little boxes we were watching you couldn't see the whole play develop...I went to a college game @ TN St. and saw the 1st real QB play live...the timing pass is what I'm referring to...the 1st couple of times he did it I'm like...you're throwing the wrong way, and in perfect timing the WR would cut and the ball would be right there to catch...after seeing it several times I realized it wasn't by accident...Joe Gilliam was that QB...drafted by the Steelers in '72 and that fall was the Immaculate Reception vs OAK...I was hooked every sense.

I don't blame SEA fans for being bitter, I hated the site of Neil O'Donnell for a long time...I get it to some degree now...definitely some Steeler Nation fans (all teams really) can be OTT as well.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Very true...I grew up much the same way...no NFL in my town...as kids we adopted teams mostly that were popular during that era...early 70s. Lot of Dolphins, Cowboys, Vikings fans back then...Mine was a little different...as a 10 y/o watching football live (mostly HS games) you never really saw much passing like the NFL, but on the little boxes we were watching you couldn't see the whole play develop...I went to a college game @ TN St. and saw the 1st real QB play live...the timing pass is what I'm referring to...the 1st couple of times he did it I'm like...you're throwing the wrong way, and in perfect timing the WR would cut and the ball would be right there to catch...after seeing it several times I realized it wasn't by accident...Joe Gilliam was that QB...drafted by the Steelers in '72 and that fall was the Immaculate Reception vs OAK...I was hooked every sense.

I don't blame SEA fans for being bitter, I hated the site of Neil O'Donnell for a long time...I get it to some degree now...definitely some Steeler Nation fans (all teams really) can be OTT as well.

Exactly i have three brothers (One is going to the SB by the way) the two older one's one is a Niner fan after the Hawks the other older is a big Vike's fan,myself was a Steeler fan and my younger bro has always been a Bucs fan.