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The Walking Dead


It's raw, you donkey!
Apr 17, 2013
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A little gossip while we're waiting...apparently they are now a real-life item.



Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
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Apparently, he has already moved on...


Redus denies the rumors, and apparently that pic is pretty much the alpha and omega of the evidence that they are together.


It's raw, you donkey!
Apr 17, 2013
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Apparently, he has already moved on...


Redus denies the rumors, and apparently that pic is pretty much the alpha and omega of the evidence that they are together.

Holy Crap, I can't help it...that is the scariest thing I've seen since Noah got his face ripped off. :pound:


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Morgan front and center with Rick on the new SD Comic Con poster. Methinks we'll see plenty of him in Season 6 :clap:


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Currently I'm at the end of season 2 and so far I've been enjoying it. It's really giving me a Battlestar Galactica type feel. The whole group of survivors struggling to stay alive with society falling apart and trying to keep their humanity in a post apocalyptic world. Completely different settings, but that's the best comparison I can make other than to shows like Falling Skies and The Strain which aren't quite as good.

I've already got a lot of issues with it though so I'll go ahead and list them out because I'm an asshole, I'm bored, and I just thought it'd be funny. Please feel free to correct me if I'm off base and don't worry too much about spoilers. I've seen enough interviews with the current cast to know who gets killed off.

1. It seems like every single place they go someone has to make the dumbest decision possible or have the world's worst luck in order for a bunch of zombies to jump out from hiding/trap them somewhere. I assume a lot of this is not in the comics and just added to spice up the television show.

2. I can't figure out if the zombies NEED to eat. It seems like they can survive for long periods of time without food and they don't have a problem crawling around without half their bodies and internal organs. Yet they had to be fed when they were locked up in that barn? Maybe that old guy was feeding them because he thought they were just sick people, but the fact that these things are all rotten on the inside makes me think they don't HAVE to eat anything. They just really like to (Attack on Titan anybody?).

3. The strength of these zombies is pretty inconsistent. Sometimes they can barely walk and are extremely fragile. I've already seen plenty of people shove a pocket knife in their skulls with minimal effort, one of them got decapitated by a grocery store shelf, and several others can't get out of wet mud. On the other hand you have certain zombies that can chase you at a brisk jogging pace and there was just an episode where a single zombie killed a fully grown cow, ripped it to shreds, and then tore apart another dude's stomach, all with its bare hands.

4. That sort of brings me to the next issue which is how are half of the people on the show not infected already? They've already established that you can get infected from getting scratched. But damn near everybody has already fought these things with clear open wounds and blood squirting all over the place. You'd think some of that would get somewhere. Even if they don't have open wounds, that shit has got to be getting in people's eyes and mouths.

5. God that kid is a little asshole. All these shows seem to try way too hard to make the kids dumb little pricks.

6. They've established that loud noises attract zombies and that ammo is really important. That is unless they take a big group out into a field and start unloading clip after clip into old bean cans for target practice.

7. What was up with that little girl being in the barn the whole time? Somebody at the farm brought her in.
"Hey we're looking for a little girl"
"Well we just found a little girl zombie and threw her in a barn, but that can't possibly be the same person so I just won't say anything and then when you find her in there I'll claim that only the dead guy knew about it and pray it never gets brought up again".

Adding to this, how was it that the girl only had one bite on her? It seems more likely that she would have been taken down by several zombies and then ripped apart as they ate her. She would have been lucky to have all her limbs. Furthermore how is this same thing not happening to everybody who gets bit? By now you'd think most zombies would be completely disemboweled after getting torn apart and thus barely able to get around after they turn.

8. Which brings up another question, when do these things stop eating people? Once their victim dies do they immediately lose interest? I mean they clearly won't eat each other so where's the cut off line between okay to eat and not okay to eat?

9. They've claimed that zombies can tell humans apart from other zombies by the way they smell. But at worst the humans have bad B.O. No way that over powers the smell of rotten flesh and blood that has got to be overwhelming the nostrils of anything within 10 feet of a zombie. That's like if I could walk around covered in shit with a bunch of other people covered in shit and have the ability to sniff out if somebody else was walking around covered in brownies.

10. Whatever Stan Beeman whispered into Rick's ear at the end of season 1 is probably not as important as I originally thought it was since it has been mentioned maybe one time since it happened.

I'll post more as I think of them.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
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Those are all valid complaints, and they all can be pretty much explained by 5 words...

It is a zombie show.

This is a show about walking corpses. Movement requires energy. Muscles moving requires flowing blood. The show is impossible on so many levels you simply have suspend so much disbelief that you simply can't look at it too closely.

Given that, it is an absolutely wonderfully made show, and likely the best entrent into the genre ever. GREAT comparison to BSG, btw. I had never thought if that, but it fits very well.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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Currently I'm at the end of season 2 and so far I've been enjoying it. It's really giving me a Battlestar Galactica type feel. The whole group of survivors struggling to stay alive with society falling apart and trying to keep their humanity in a post apocalyptic world. Completely different settings, but that's the best comparison I can make other than to shows like Falling Skies and The Strain which aren't quite as good.

I've already got a lot of issues with it though so I'll go ahead and list them out because I'm an asshole, I'm bored, and I just thought it'd be funny. Please feel free to correct me if I'm off base and don't worry too much about spoilers. I've seen enough interviews with the current cast to know who gets killed off.

1. It seems like every single place they go someone has to make the dumbest decision possible or have the world's worst luck in order for a bunch of zombies to jump out from hiding/trap them somewhere. I assume a lot of this is not in the comics and just added to spice up the television show.

2. I can't figure out if the zombies NEED to eat. It seems like they can survive for long periods of time without food and they don't have a problem crawling around without half their bodies and internal organs. Yet they had to be fed when they were locked up in that barn? Maybe that old guy was feeding them because he thought they were just sick people, but the fact that these things are all rotten on the inside makes me think they don't HAVE to eat anything. They just really like to (Attack on Titan anybody?).

3. The strength of these zombies is pretty inconsistent. Sometimes they can barely walk and are extremely fragile. I've already seen plenty of people shove a pocket knife in their skulls with minimal effort, one of them got decapitated by a grocery store shelf, and several others can't get out of wet mud. On the other hand you have certain zombies that can chase you at a brisk jogging pace and there was just an episode where a single zombie killed a fully grown cow, ripped it to shreds, and then tore apart another dude's stomach, all with its bare hands.

4. That sort of brings me to the next issue which is how are half of the people on the show not infected already? They've already established that you can get infected from getting scratched. But damn near everybody has already fought these things with clear open wounds and blood squirting all over the place. You'd think some of that would get somewhere. Even if they don't have open wounds, that shit has got to be getting in people's eyes and mouths.

5. God that kid is a little asshole. All these shows seem to try way too hard to make the kids dumb little pricks.

6. They've established that loud noises attract zombies and that ammo is really important. That is unless they take a big group out into a field and start unloading clip after clip into old bean cans for target practice.

7. What was up with that little girl being in the barn the whole time? Somebody at the farm brought her in.
"Hey we're looking for a little girl"
"Well we just found a little girl zombie and threw her in a barn, but that can't possibly be the same person so I just won't say anything and then when you find her in there I'll claim that only the dead guy knew about it and pray it never gets brought up again".

Adding to this, how was it that the girl only had one bite on her? It seems more likely that she would have been taken down by several zombies and then ripped apart as they ate her. She would have been lucky to have all her limbs. Furthermore how is this same thing not happening to everybody who gets bit? By now you'd think most zombies would be completely disemboweled after getting torn apart and thus barely able to get around after they turn.

8. Which brings up another question, when do these things stop eating people? Once their victim dies do they immediately lose interest? I mean they clearly won't eat each other so where's the cut off line between okay to eat and not okay to eat?

9. They've claimed that zombies can tell humans apart from other zombies by the way they smell. But at worst the humans have bad B.O. No way that over powers the smell of rotten flesh and blood that has got to be overwhelming the nostrils of anything within 10 feet of a zombie. That's like if I could walk around covered in shit with a bunch of other people covered in shit and have the ability to sniff out if somebody else was walking around covered in brownies.

10. Whatever Stan Beeman whispered into Rick's ear at the end of season 1 is probably not as important as I originally thought it was since it has been mentioned maybe one time since it happened.

I'll post more as I think of them.
1.Ever watched a horror movie?
2.Google zombie. It is just the way they are in the media.
3.True on this point. It has been expained away as due how long the walker has been dead.
4.Another good point. In season 1 they took great precautions to make Glenn and Rick cover as zombies to walk out with them. Later in the show they seem to just bathe in the blood and guts.
5. Wait for a bit. You haven't seen the worse of that punk yet.
6. They are called magazines, not clips. No good having ammo if you can't shoot straight.
7. Word is Otis sent the little shit into the barn. Several zombies is just a guess about what happened just like everything you posted. She got bit and ran would be my guess as to why she didn't get eaten.
8.Ask Bob Saget
9.Ever been to a farm and smell that shit smell? Ask the farmer if he smells it. They become desensitized to the smell.
10. This becomes more of a factor later on.
This is my take and I'm sticking to it! :heh:


Upstanding Member
Apr 9, 2011
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4. That sort of brings me to the next issue which is how are half of the people on the show not infected already? They've already established that you can get infected from getting scratched. But damn near everybody has already fought these things with clear open wounds and blood squirting all over the place. You'd think some of that would get somewhere. Even if they don't have open wounds, that shit has got to be getting in people's eyes and mouths.

Refresh my memory....when did that happen?

My understanding is that everyone is infected, if ya die, ya turn. If yer bitten, apparently it'll spread and eventually kill ya, but you can negate that by lopping the shit off, assuming it's somewhere capable of that. I don't recall, scratches affecting em'?


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
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Refresh my memory....when did that happen?

My understanding is that everyone is infected, if ya die, ya turn. If yer bitten, apparently it'll spread and eventually kill ya, but you can negate that by lopping the shit off, assuming it's somewhere capable of that. I don't recall, scratches affecting em'?
Through forum debates that I have read, it has pretty much been settled on that the ACTIVE zombie virus is transmitted via a zombies saliva, not their blood.

The active virus and the passive virus are basically two completely different beasts...

The Active virus will cause a severe fever and halucinations and eventually kill the person. The passive virus will waken the dead host and make them a carrier of the active virus.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Yup it's as Cal said.

Everyone has the zombie virus in them when they die(unless death via dome shot).

It's getting bitten by a zombie that gives you a incurable fever that kills you. Then like everyone else you turn.

You have to be bit to die.

Dale died simply because his stomach was ripped to shreds and he bled out. Had nothing to do with zombie contact.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
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Yup it's as Cal said.

Everyone has the zombie virus in them when they die(unless death via dome shot).

It's getting bitten by a zombie that gives you a incurable fever that kills you. Then like everyone else you turn.

You have to be bit to die.

Dale died simply because his stomach was ripped to shreds and he bled out. Had nothing to do with zombie contact.
Well, technically, Dale died by a bullet to the head...