Fairly new to the show. Only watched last 2-3 seasons. Wondering who Negan picked up. Haven't seen the Preist in a while. Hell he may be dead though and I'm just not thinking about it. I also thought possibly Gregory. Don't think it was Dwight because he was shown in the previews.
I think the person Negan picked up was the savior that got away when Dwight turned on them.
That's a good call, bet you are right. Seems like they could have shown them though, not sure if it was a character many would even recognize.
I honestly couldn't even remember if the person was male or female. In fact I had completely forgotten that anyone got away until Dwight mentioned it to Tara or Daryl or someone a few weeks ago as to why he couldn't go back. It turns out it was the chick with the tattoo on her neck. She's had a few lines here and there. I think she might have hit on Spencer in the Saviors first trip to Alexandria.
She's still my #1 guess, but I'm starting to think that Aaron could be a possibility after all. In the clip they showed of next week's episode on The Talking Dead we see Aaron and he appears to be in rough shape which is how Negan described the person. Perhaps next week could flashback to the time between when we last saw him with Enid and to when Negan picks him up. I still consider it a long shot though since Negan seemed quite familiar with the person and it seemed as though the person got in the car without any fuss.
Also whatever happened to Dwight's wife? Was she last seen at the sanctuary last season or did get away somehow? If left the sanctuary then I suppose it could be here as well.
???The Maggie arc suck so many dicks right now. She annoys the shit out of me, at this point.
They fucked her story up by abandoning the Gregory arc from the comics. That was what made sense of her assuming leadership. The show has tried like hell to sell her as the leader of Hilltop, but it really has made zero sense to me.
He was slimy in the books, and I think they have done a better job of portraying that on the show. A lot of that, I think is due to the masterful casting of Berkeley in the role. The main arc between the two is yet to come, and with her potentially getting another job, I fear they will just bail on that entire story line (and the associated arcs attatched to it).
As for her taking charge if the community, I think it has made sense on the show. Gregory was the leader pretty much by default. The REAL leader was Jesus anyway, he just had no desire to actually wear the crown. So when he supported Maggie, pretty much all the citizens fell in line with backing her.
Nope.Maybe I remember it wrong, but didn't she..
pretty much "deal with him" right off the bat?
Something big is happening for the end of the season. The Spoiling Dead, which posts spoilers for each episode, is refusing to release any spoilers for the final 2 episodes of this season. Strong rumors that the Saviors will losein Ep 15 andSimonwill be written off somehow in ep 16, either by death or leaving on their own because of decisions made by Rick.Maggie
I'll give TWD credit, they got me rooting for neagan now and rick to finally bite it
Still unsure why I keep watching
IKR...Hey, where's my letter from Coral? He wrote everyone else one!
Jeezus, suddenly he's the Yoda of the Walking Dead.
According to writers they'll be finally wrapping up the savior story line
I'll give TWD credit, they got me rooting for neagan now and rick to finally bite it
Still unsure why I keep watching