What am I supposed to be looking at? The LHM Day Of Service?
There was a thread on another forum trying to explain to us how Rudy Gobert will never be a star in the league because defensive specialists don't become stars and the example of Ben Wallace, Dikembe Mutombo and Dennis Rodman was given. I don't really care much whether or not the label "star" itself will be associated with Rudy but that post forced me to check some of those players' stats. My initial theory was that with the emergence of analytics players who help you win, be it offensively or defensively, would get their recognition and that those players from the past would have been held in higher regard at the time if people knew exactly how much their contributions were important for their teams winning. So I decided to delve into their advanced stats and here's something interesting I found - Rudy pretty much ANNIHILATES all of them in almost all advanced stats(VORP being the exception). Just in his second season he had better advanced stats than those 3 players ever had in their careers! 3 NBA GREATS! FOR THEIR FULL CAREERS!!!
Here's the best seasons for those players:
DM 1998/1999: .206 (no other season above .200)
BW 2001/2002: .190
DR 1989/1990: .189
RG 2014/2015: .206
DM 1998/1999: 4.6
BW 2001/2002: 5.9
DR 1991/1992: 4.9
RG 2014/2015: 5.8
DM 1993/1994: 4.5
BW 2001/2002: 5.9
DR 1991/1992: 5.8 (his second best season is 4.2)
RG 2014/2015: 4.3
DM 1997/1998: 19.8
BW 2001/2002: 18.6
DR 1991/1992: 17.4
RG 2014/2015: 21.6
DM 2005/2006: .626
BW 1998/1999: .539
DR 1988/1989: .613
RG 2014/2015: .627
It's hard to stress this enough - Rudy did this in his second season in the league. With 2 seasons in the league he ranks 1st in WS/48, first in TS%, first in PER, second in BPM, 4th in VORP out of those 4 defensive greats.
Mutombo - 18 seasons.
Rodman - 14 seasons
Wallace - 16 seasons
Just how good can Rudy be?
LOL! I don't think he's that bad.Guy is flat out horrible on offense. Seriously one shade worse than Ostertag, the lubricated fumbler
How bad is he then? He doesn't appear to have the lift he had last year. Or, I wonder if Quinn has advised him to focus less jumping, and just be vertical like Pacers Hibbert ... contest but focus on the defensive rebounding. Do you think that he is so exceptional on defense to offset the weak offense? Whereas Kanters offense was not exceptional enough to offset his weak defense?
Hayward likes him. Outlook At The Break - The Official Web Site of Gordon Hayward | NBA Forward
I wish I had followed his blog as the season went on. To be honest, I've only seen the LeBron video game post and this one (maybe one more somewhere). Some will think it's distracting, but how often do you get to read one's thoughts through the season. I wish I could have heard Stockton, though he'd never do it or would edit it down. (I'm not talking about the post-retirement auto-biography.)