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Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I give up. We are just going around in circles and you keep proving my point while denying it.

USC having a tougher SoS does, by definition, give them the tougher road to the CCG and yet you will say that, and then spin it to say it doesn't matter and never happens. You've proven my point enough even if you keep trying to say it really means something else.

Imbalanced conference play is dumb. Playing everyone in your conference is the closest thing to parity you can have. No other formula is even close. Yes, it's still not perfect as you flip flop home and away and can catch a slightly better road with who you have at home vs others in the conference, but while less than perfect it is still better than having imbalanced divisions.

As for how many times you threatened to quit, if someone can tell me how to search for posts by thread as easily as the old site I'd be happy to take that on. I won't find all of them as I recall seeing it at least once in the PF and sifting through thousands of your posts there to find one would be pointless. But more than one? Sure. No problem.

If the game doesn't matter towards who will be going to the conference championship for that division, then it doesn't affect the road. As I have pointed out, it would be like saying Alabama makes it tougher for USC to win the Pac12 south in 2016, even thought the outcome of the game will not have any effect on USC's championship chances. USC wins, it doesn't matter, USC loses and it still doesn't matter. UCLA beats Oregon, it doesn't matter, UCLA loses to Oregon it doesn't matter.

As for the quitting stuff, I'll help you out because I'm that kind of guy.

Here is the only time I ever talked about it. 2 posts, 1 after the other.

Well you can have that shit because I think it makes the forums pretty low quality when all anyone wants to do is troll with the notion of trying to upset other people.

Have fun, I won't be around to watch it. I'll find something else to fill my time with.

And then when questioned about it, I said this:

Shit is low quality.

I could say shit like: The only reason these teams want to run the hurry up no huddle is because their coaches are too stupid to run any other kind of offense and/or their programs are so shitty they need these kinds of gimmicks to even begin to compete. That the only reason people are even worried about this rule is because they are worried their cruch is going to disappear and they might actually have to learn how to play real football again.

I'm sure I could "rustle some jimmies" by ignoring the actual arguments and constantly replying with shit like that, but personally that's the kind of forum I want no part in. And if that's the kind of shit people want around here, then this forum ain't for me. Because that's all this thread has been, this kind of stupid shit.

But hey, as long as it's only directed at a few people and only a few people are the ones that are being shit on, it's a'right.

And that was the only time I ever talked about such things, as people I liked told me to just deal with an move on, so I did. It was an obviously a choice at that point, I could accept SportsHoopla for the way it was or I could move on. Obvious which I choose. But a few of you have been butthurt about it since.

Hell even that wasn't an actual "threat". At the time I tried to be more serious in the discussions while everyone else just wanted to troll. So I said fuck it, and I've been trolling you shitheads ever since(and made you guys so butthurt you had to ban me multiple times). I still rustle the shit outta you all, even though it's always claimed "I'm so easy to troll".

Since then, it only gets brought up by people like you, who are stuck without a real response and need to bring it up. That has been done probably 100 times. I even knew it was coming from you before you even posted the shit is so damn predictable.

Speaking of predictable. You like to talk about that "drinking game" and always tried to taunt me about it. Of course, when confronted with how obsessed it would be to do such things, you would then claim it wasn't real. Then when needed it always comes back as real. Blah blah blah.

Because no matter if you want to admit or not - there is a reason you want to "troll" me. You just don't want to admit it. It's funny how the excuses have changed over the years.

If you want to search further, then go to google and at the end of every search phrase you can think of type in "site:SportsHoopla Sports Forums". That will restrict google searches to only this website. That is how I found the above. Good luck in your search, you only need to find 1 other now.

Forum messed up the search thing, here is what you add to the end:



Stanford Nerd
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Aug 14, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 84,965.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Bad news for Stanford, highly regarded 2012 commit and leading LB candidate for this year Noor Davis is out with a torn Achilles.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
Hoopla Cash
$ 25,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Bad news for Stanford, highly regarded 2012 commit and leading LB candidate for this year Noor Davis is out with a torn Achilles.

Thats a bummer. It's one thing to get hurt in a game but before the season gets going really sucks


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
lol, still didn't prove that it's equal for both teams when one plays oregon state while the other plays oregon because it's simple logic that your assumptions aren't right. One has a tougher road to the playoffs simply because they play tougher conference foes that the other doesn't have to play that year. There isn't a thing you've said that counters that in any way, shape, or form.

If I can figure out how to sort by thread I'll find your other examples. The old site made that easy, this one, not so much. And since you block people from access to your profile you remove a fair amount of the post search tools to begin with. How convenient.

As for being banned several times, or making an effort to ban you, prove it. I never once asked for anyone to ban you during all of your whinny ass BS because it was harmless. Hell, even fun. You claimed many times people were after you and we told you it wasn't true. I've said clearly the only thing you've ever done that was ban worthy and there really isn't anyone else that would argue your side. Common human decency says you don't attack innocent family members on a site like this. Even then I just decided to ignore you because I honestly considered you to be mentally unstable at that point. I did not go pounding tables demanding you get banned. Your attempt to suggest a mod told you otherwise is utter bullshit. It never happened because nothing like you suggest was said, at least that I'm aware of. You're just making up shit at this point.

I love the claim that you have only been pulling a troll on everyone up to this point. I asked one question and you went into a tailspin. Again. Lighten up. If you really have learned to adapt to a site that has more trolling than straight talk then why not let go of it all? People get picked on for their shit up here all the time and most just laugh along with it or ignore it. They don't typically create 5 pages of bitching and making up shit over it. If it bothers you that much just put me on ignore. That's what that feature is for. You could have came to me in PM and I would have listened. You didn't, and won't, because you aren't interested in peace. You want these conflicts, you just want to sound like you don't so you can use the martyr role to claim some kind of hollow victory.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
lol, still didn't prove that it's equal for both teams when one plays oregon state while the other plays oregon because it's simple logic that your assumptions aren't right. One has a tougher road to the playoffs simply because they play tougher conference foes that the other doesn't have to play that year. There isn't a thing you've said that counters that in any way, shape, or form.

Nice moving goal posts. It's gone from road to the championship down to it's harder for the overall SoS to make the playoffs, which I've said repeatedly.

If I can figure out how to sort by thread I'll find your other examples. The old site made that easy, this one, not so much. And since you block people from access to your profile you remove a fair amount of the post search tools to begin with. How convenient.

Didn't even know it was blocked.

As for being banned several times, or making an effort to ban you, prove it. I never once asked for anyone to ban you during all of your whinny ass BS because it was harmless. Hell, even fun. You claimed many times people were after you and we told you it wasn't true. I've said clearly the only thing you've ever done that was ban worthy and there really isn't anyone else that would argue your side. Common human decency says you don't attack innocent family members on a site like this. Even then I just decided to ignore you because I honestly considered you to be mentally unstable at that point. I did not go pounding tables demanding you get banned. Your attempt to suggest a mod told you otherwise is utter bullshit. It never happened because nothing like you suggest was said, at least that I'm aware of. You're just making up shit at this point.

Fine, I didn't post on the college football forum for over 6 months because I wanted to make shit up a year later.


As for Oscar - he didn't cry, you did. "Oscar loved every second of it"

I love the claim that you have only been pulling a troll on everyone up to this point. I asked one question and you went into a tailspin. Again. Lighten up. If you really have learned to adapt to a site that has more trolling than straight talk then why not let go of it all? People get picked on for their shit up here all the time and most just laugh along with it or ignore it. They don't typically create 5 pages of bitching and making up shit over it. If it bothers you that much just put me on ignore. That's what that feature is for. You could have came to me in PM and I would have listened. You didn't, and won't, because you aren't interested in peace. You want these conflicts, you just want to sound like you don't so you can use the martyr role to claim some kind of hollow victory.

Everyone else involved has let it go - except you. I've talked directly to others involved with all that shit, and it's been water under the bridge. That's why I started posting on the college football section again and haven't been banned, haven't had any troubles etc. You got put in a corner because you've been arguing stupid shit, and so you brought it up. You needed something to say, and you went for the easy route and now like usual, you backtrack when presented with the reality and try to turn it around.

And yeah, in case you didn't know there is nothing I love more than arguing with people, and there is a reason you were butthurt long before the Oscar thing. The simple fact you ever felt the need to constantly try to tell me you were trolling me pretty much just points it out. You wanted to try and make me feel bad, because the reality is - you were butthurt because I don't take shit about Alabama.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Nice moving goal posts. It's gone from road to the championship down to it's harder for the overall SoS to make the playoffs, which I've said repeatedly.
Nope, said both several times in this thread. Need me to show you?
One having Oregon and the other not makes it harder to reach any/all post season goals. Period. Playing every team in your conference every year (which was the original point) would mitigate almost all of the imbalance. Nothing inconsistent with the message. At all.
Fine, I didn't post on the college football forum for over 6 months because I wanted to make shit up a year later.
Prove I tried to get you banned or whatever you are asserting, because the way you are characterizing it isn't true at all. I can only then believe you are making it up, because I doubt any mod would lie and tell you shit just for fun.
As for Oscar - he didn't cry, you did. "Oscar loved every second of it"
Crossing over the line and attacking innocent people is it's own crime. It doesn't require someone to cry over it to make it wrong.

Everyone else involved has let it go - except you. I've talked directly to others involved with all that shit, and it's been water under the bridge. That's why I started posting on the college football section again and haven't been banned, haven't had any troubles etc. You got put in a corner because you've been arguing stupid shit, and so you brought it up. You needed something to say, and you went for the easy route and now like usual, you backtrack when presented with the reality and try to turn it around.
So you've talked to others about it, but not the person you believe was actually attempting to get you banned over it? I was just poking you with it, as people do on this site. I figure sooner or later you might thicken up your skin a little and simply feed it back, as people do on this site. You don't have to throw a tantrum over things. If you are going to be this worked up over it I won't poke fun of you about it again.

As for being backed into a corner? :L You haven't proven yet how anything I've said was wrong. The very term 'imbalanced conference schedule' says it is indeed 'imbalanced' which is all I said. You can't push me into a corner on that.

And yeah, in case you didn't know there is nothing I love more than arguing with people, and there is a reason you were butthurt long before the Oscar thing. The simple fact you ever felt the need to constantly try to tell me you were trolling me pretty much just points it out. You wanted to try and make me feel bad, because the reality is - you were butthurt because I don't take shit about Alabama.
So you like to argue, but anyone else is just butthurt when they do so? Nice try.

I've told you since day one I like to argue and I've never ever denied trolling people. I've flat out said it to you many times. When you do so it's just arguing, when others do it it's out of being butthurt. :lol:

I poke you with stick and you go off. That's how this seems to work. You don't want that stick anymore? Fine. All you had to do was ask. I'm reasonable.

Not sure what you are going on about Alabama for. I've told you since day one I admire and respect that team and Saban. I've confided to you about my close friend who was as die hard a bama fan as there was who was lucky enough to get to spend the day with Saban and select players before he eventually died of brain cancer. Team SEC? Sure, I've been all over that for a long time. Alabama? Nope. Barking up the wrong tree there. Yet again.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Bad news for Stanford, highly regarded 2012 commit and leading LB candidate for this year Noor Davis is out with a torn Achilles.
Worst part about college football. All the work these kids put into just getting here and all the work it takes to go to school while playing a sport at its highest level and then having season ending injuries before they even hit the field that year.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Nope, said both several times in this thread. Need me to show you?
One having Oregon and the other not makes it harder to reach any/all post season goals. Period. Playing every team in your conference every year (which was the original point) would mitigate almost all of the imbalance. Nothing inconsistent with the message. At all.

You said "road to conference championship" over and over. The entire thing you were ranting about was over deciding "one true champion" and now you've broadened it to "and/all" post season goals.

On the bright side, at least that means you are slowly admitting that the other games don't have an impact on who goes to the championship game.

Prove I tried to get you banned or whatever you are asserting, because the way you are characterizing it isn't true at all. I can only then believe you are making it up, because I doubt any mod would lie and tell you shit just for fun.

I'm not going to name the mod who told me. But I think I forwarded the message to a few other people, so they may speak up if they like. People were aware of it, especially Alabama/SEC fans. And you were not named specifically, you were part of a group.

Crossing over the line and attacking innocent people is it's own crime. It doesn't require someone to cry over it to make it wrong.

I have never in my life talked to Oscars wife. Don't know her, never attacked her. I was talking to Oscar and I'd be willing to bet his wife hasn't the first clue about it. It's about like getting upset over a "I fucked your wife/sister/mom". And I actually didn't even say his wife directly. It was "What did you replace it with? Cocaine?", to which I replied "No, one legged hookers". But yes I fully admit I said it because I knew his wife had 1 leg. Personally, I can see why it's in bad taste and not something I'd probably say at a formal function. But honestly, that shit is funny.

Especially since we are talking about a guy who would say just about anything just to get a response. It was fucking Oscar, not just some normal poster.

So you've talked to others about it, but not the person you believe was actually attempting to get you banned over it? I was just poking you with it, as people do on this site. I figure sooner or later you might thicken up your skin a little and simply feed it back, as people do on this site. You don't have to throw a tantrum over things. If you are going to be this worked up over it I won't poke fun of you about it again.

As for being backed into a corner? :L You haven't proven yet how anything I've said was wrong. The very term 'imbalanced conference schedule' says it is indeed 'imbalanced' which is all I said. You can't push me into a corner on that.

I didn't throw a tantrum. I got banned shortly after for "other things" when I gave it back. That's how things went last year. This year the forum is better.

So you like to argue, but anyone else is just butthurt when they do so? Nice try.

I've told you since day one I like to argue and I've never ever denied trolling people. I've flat out said it to you many times. When you do so it's just arguing, when others do it it's out of being butthurt. :lol:

I poke you with stick and you go off. That's how this seems to work. You don't want that stick anymore? Fine. All you had to do was ask. I'm reasonable.

Not sure what you are going on about Alabama for. I've told you since day one I admire and respect that team and Saban. I've confided to you about my close friend who was as die hard a bama fan as there was who was lucky enough to get to spend the day with Saban and select players before he eventually died of brain cancer. Team SEC? Sure, I've been all over that for a long time. Alabama? Nope. Barking up the wrong tree there. Yet again.

No, not everyone else gets butthurt about things. But you do.

I troll by taking unpopular positions and argue things I might not 100% agree with. 95% of the time I usually agree with them, and around here it's not hard to find an unpopular position. So I throw a little extra into things from time to time to get people involved in it.

You tried to troll for the sole purpose of trying to upset me. You want to hurt my feelings SOOOOOOOOOO bad it was funny. You still do, which is why you brought this up to start with.

And yes I know, it's not Alabama it's the fans.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
You said "road to conference championship" over and over. The entire thing you were ranting about was over deciding "one true champion" and now you've broadened it to "and/all" post season goals.

On the bright side, at least that means you are slowly admitting that the other games don't have an impact on who goes to the championship game.
How did this conversation start? :whistle:

If this thing heads toward an 8 game playoff like it should, CCG's won't matter much. Even a one loss P5 champion without a CCG will still be in with no problem.

I'd prefer it to what we have now because it's nuts to claim a championship in your conference when you have teams you don't play. Creates imbalance and presents holes that allow teams that might not otherwise deserve it to get praise anyway.

As an example: Let's say UCLA played Oregon during the regular season and lost but USC didn't play they them and ended up one game better in the standings. USC goes on and UCLA is penalized in an unfair way.

Play the fucking teams in your conference and beat them. That's what college football is supposed to be. These mega conferences are just stupid. My 2c anyway.
The whole conversation was about going back to round robin play because the need for the CCG was no longer as great as when it was required to give the polls a nudge toward their vote of champion or making the top two.

This is, and always has been about the trade off between balance and adding a game for the sake of giving our eventual champion higher standing. The balance goes toward both and effects both. Need more examples? Because that isn't the only place I mentioned the NCG in this conversation.

I'm not going to name the mod who told me. But I think I forwarded the message to a few other people, so they may speak up if they like. People were aware of it, especially Alabama/SEC fans. And you were not named specifically, you were part of a group.
I will say this publicly again, and really for the last time. I don't want you banned and no matter how many times we argued since you came here I never pushed for you to be banned. I like arguing. Argued with Boise State fans like @BoiseMike19 and @smilesid for years before even coming to this site. And many others. If I asked for people to be banned that I argued with I'd be losing out on worthy people to argue with wouldn't I?

I have never in my life talked to Oscars wife. Don't know her, never attacked her. I was talking to Oscar and I'd be willing to bet his wife hasn't the first clue about it. It's about like getting upset over a "I fucked your wife/sister/mom". And I actually didn't even say his wife directly. It was "What did you replace it with? Cocaine?", to which I replied "No, one legged hookers". But yes I fully admit I said it because I knew his wife had 1 leg. Personally, I can see why it's in bad taste and not something I'd probably say at a formal function. But honestly, that shit is funny.
Especially since we are talking about a guy who would say just about anything just to get a response. It was fucking Oscar, not just some normal poster.
I've said my peace on that. And I stand by it.

I didn't throw a tantrum. I got banned shortly after for "other things" when I gave it back. That's how things went last year. This year the forum is better.
Funny how many people throw around the word ban as though it is something definitive on this site as it is. Most bans are temporary unless someone just won't let shit go and chill out after an episode.

There aren't many people on this site that haven't gone overboard and needed a cooling off. Now and then it has lead to a weekend off. Most recover from it well. I'm assuming you did or you wouldn't be here now. It has nothing to do with Oscar.

No, not everyone else gets butthurt about things. But you do.
When you troll it's just trolling. When I do it it's something personal and done out of anger. :L
Do you not see how stupid that is? :lol:
I'll say it again if I need to, but I don't hate you and enjoy arguing. What part of that is out of butthurt?

I troll by taking unpopular positions and argue things I might not 100% agree with. 95% of the time I usually agree with them, and around here it's not hard to find an unpopular position. So I throw a little extra into things from time to time to get people involved in it.

You tried to troll for the sole purpose of trying to upset me. You want to hurt my feelings SOOOOOOOOOO bad it was funny. You still do, which is why you brought this up to start with.

And yes I know, it's not Alabama it's the fans.
Hurt your feelings? lol. I keep hoping that some day you will take something like that as it's intended and throw your own zinger back instead of getting all irate about it. We obviously aren't at that point yet. That's how trolling works sparky. You take it all personally, but then have no problem actually doing personal things to others and yet claim I'm butthurt while you are only making a joke. I won't make any such 'jokes' about your family members. And now that we know you can't handle being poked at for it, I won't make any more jokes about that either.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
How did this conversation start? :whistle:

The whole conversation was about going back to round robin play because the need for the CCG was no longer as great as when it was required to give the polls a nudge toward their vote of champion or making the top two.

This is, and always has been about the trade off between balance and adding a game for the sake of giving our eventual champion higher standing. The balance goes toward both and effects both. Need more examples? Because that isn't the only place I mentioned the NCG in this conversation.

I will say this publicly again, and really for the last time. I don't want you banned and no matter how many times we argued since you came here I never pushed for you to be banned. I like arguing. Argued with Boise State fans like @BoiseMike19 and @smilesid for years before even coming to this site. And many others. If I asked for people to be banned that I argued with I'd be losing out on worthy people to argue with wouldn't I?

I've said my peace on that. And I stand by it.

Funny how many people throw around the word ban as though it is something definitive on this site as it is. Most bans are temporary unless someone just won't let shit go and chill out after an episode.

There aren't many people on this site that haven't gone overboard and needed a cooling off. Now and then it has lead to a weekend off. Most recover from it well. I'm assuming you did or you wouldn't be here now. It has nothing to do with Oscar.

When you troll it's just trolling. When I do it it's something personal and done out of anger. :L
Do you not see how stupid that is? :lol:
I'll say it again if I need to, but I don't hate you and enjoy arguing. What part of that is out of butthurt?

Hurt your feelings? lol. I keep hoping that some day you will take something like that as it's intended and throw your own zinger back instead of getting all irate about it. We obviously aren't at that point yet. That's how trolling works sparky. You take it all personally, but then have no problem actually doing personal things to others and yet claim I'm butthurt while you are only making a joke. I won't make any such 'jokes' about your family members. And now that we know you can't handle being poked at for it, I won't make any more jokes about that either.



Doh! mer
Aug 20, 2014
Northern California
Hoopla Cash
$ 47,787.30
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Bad news for Stanford, highly regarded 2012 commit and leading LB candidate for this year Noor Davis is out with a torn Achilles.
Sucks. I know from personal experience that Achilles tendons are better left untorn.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
Hoopla Cash
$ 25,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Sucks. I know from personal experience that Achilles tendons are better left untorn.

Hey what's your thoughts on your Fighting Irish this year? I think Georgia Tech is the most important game for them. If you win that game I can see them with a 10 win season even possible 11. If you lose that game 8 wins is probable (Stanford, Clemson and USC losses) in my opinion.


Doh! mer
Aug 20, 2014
Northern California
Hoopla Cash
$ 47,787.30
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Hey what's your thoughts on your Fighting Irish this year? I think Georgia Tech is the most important game for them. If you win that game I can see them with a 10 win season even possible 11. If you lose that game 8 wins is probable (Stanford, Clemson and USC losses) in my opinion.
Based on the team talent (which is the best in at least the last 10 years as it looks to me) I think this team is has enough collective talent to beat anyone on their schedule. However, after witnessing the implosion that was last season, I would not be surprised if they are unable to gel into a coherent (or consistent) team. So I wouldn't be surprised by an 8-4 season. Nor would I be surprised by 10-2. (12-0 would be a very pleasant shock. Even 11-1 would be nice!)

The Irish have tough games against Clemson and Stanford on the road, as well as tilts against Georgia Tech and Southern Cal at home. Navy is in the perfect position for the classic "let-down-look-ahead" sandwich that could be the perfect place to see the Irish get trapped.

The first test of the year will be Texas (in South Bend.) The biggest question mark going in will be Malik Zaire at QB. He managed to lead the Irish to a win in his only start (Music City Bowl against LSU) but has yet to carry the burden of being the starting QB who will be counted upon for the entire season.

But perhaps more importantly, my wife is Longhorn. Regardless of the outcome of that game, I expect to be sleeping on the couch that night . . .


Fast Hard Finish
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,704.55
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I think the Irish lose at least 4. Clemson, GT and USC Stanford is a maybe but they tend to have at least 1 game come out of nowhere that leaves people scratching their heads like 40-43 vs Northwestern last year, 21-28 vs Pitt in 13, and 29-26 vs Pitt in 12 which almost took them out of the NC. sometimes like 12 it goes their way but sometimes it doesnt. I think Texas, Pitt or BC could surprise them.


Doh! mer
Aug 20, 2014
Northern California
Hoopla Cash
$ 47,787.30
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I think the Irish lose at least 4. Clemson, GT and USC Stanford is a maybe but they tend to have at least 1 game come out of nowhere that leaves people scratching their heads like 40-43 vs Northwestern last year, 21-28 vs Pitt in 13, and 29-26 vs Pitt in 12 which almost took them out of the NC. sometimes like 12 it goes their way but sometimes it doesnt. I think Texas, Pitt or BC could surprise them.
I think anyone on the schedule (within reason - UMass will be outgunned, for example) could catch the Irish sleeping. Pretty much any time a team takes the field there is the chance to mess up and drop a game.

So basically, I don't disagree with your assessment about teams coming out of nowhere. However, I still believe that Notre Dame has more talent amassed than they have had in a long time. That doesn't guarantee anything (as I stated - talent does not simply equate to fielding a consistently good team - there are too many other variables.) However, I think the Irish will be able (at least on paper - games can be another story) to play with anyone on their schedule.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
Hoopla Cash
$ 25,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
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I think anyone on the schedule (within reason - UMass will be outgunned, for example) could catch the Irish sleeping. Pretty much any time a team takes the field there is the chance to mess up and drop a game.

So basically, I don't disagree with your assessment about teams coming out of nowhere. However, I still believe that Notre Dame has more talent amassed than they have had in a long time. That doesn't guarantee anything (as I stated - talent does not simply equate to fielding a consistently good team - there are too many other variables.) However, I think the Irish will be able (at least on paper - games can be another story) to play with anyone on their schedule.

Interesting year. Brian Kelly has in the past had a tendency to abandon the running game when teams play the irish well and it's bitten him in the ass a few times. This year they pretty much have to run because Ziare most likely wont be able to pass the irish to wins especially early. His receivers might have experiance but he doesn't. But if teams know what you have to do then it makes you easier to defend. So will BK go back to his old ways and stop running and abandon what his team is stronger at to do what he's more accustomed to doing?


Fast Hard Finish
Apr 17, 2013
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I think anyone on the schedule (within reason - UMass will be outgunned, for example) could catch the Irish sleeping. Pretty much any time a team takes the field there is the chance to mess up and drop a game.

So basically, I don't disagree with your assessment about teams coming out of nowhere. However, I still believe that Notre Dame has more talent amassed than they have had in a long time. That doesn't guarantee anything (as I stated - talent does not simply equate to fielding a consistently good team - there are too many other variables.) However, I think the Irish will be able (at least on paper - games can be another story) to play with anyone on their schedule.
Yes but the teams i mentioned vs teams like Umass, Virginia, Wake Forest, Navy or Temple catching them sleeping are not as great.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
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$ 61.19
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Oregon Ducks gear sales.... I see you Cali

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