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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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This year USC plays Oregon, but not Oregon State. UCLA plays Oregon State, but not Oregon. Yet both have equally as difficult of a path to reach a conference title.

420 math.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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You have yet to prove it was poor.

One team plays one tough opponent, the other plays two. Which has the tougher road to a conference title?

You can't defend your position to you run around in circles. Typical 420 BS.

Well when you show me where winning or losing the Oregon game has any effect on who represents the Pac12 South in the conference championship game, I'll be happy to change my mind.

Until then, it's a poor example.

Is that straight forward enough for ya? Any circles?

Meanwhile, in the actual good examples, you have examples of imbalance like the SEC East, Pac12 North, Big10 West, ACC Coastal, and even the old Big12 north as clear examples where the imbalance in schedules is much greater. And, unlike your poor example, losing those games actually means a great deal because they are in the same division and won't go to the championship game. For example, Alabama in 2011 while Georgia went.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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This year USC plays Oregon, but not Oregon State. UCLA plays Oregon State, but not Oregon. Yet both have equally as difficult of a path to reach a conference title.

420 math.

Show me where a win or loss by either UCLA or USC by any combination of Oregon/Oregon St has any effect on if UCLA or USC goes to the conference championship game.

No matter what either does in either game, the Pac12 south will be decided ONLY by the head to head matchup between UCLA and USC. UCLA can lose, they can win, it doesn't matter.

They aren't in the same division. By your crappy example, Alabama has a harder path to the SEC Championship game because they play Wisconsin rather than whoever the hell Auburn plays. No, they have a harder SoS, that game will have no effect on the SEC West.

You have to lose 2 games to the other division for it to matter. At which point, it no longer really does because it's 2 games.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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So instead of answering directly to the actual example of this coming years schedule, you continue to banter on around the obvious imbalance of each division. It isn't brought up because even someone of your limited comprehension can't miss how obvious it is. It's not worth discussing. In fact the only thing worth mentioning about it is it further shows how dumb your stance is to begin with when this discussion was ultimately about wanting an end to imbalanced schedules to start with. :L

Your fail knows no limits does it?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Show me where a win or loss by either UCLA or USC by any combination of Oregon/Oregon St has any effect on if UCLA or USC goes to the conference championship game.

No matter what either does in either game, the Pac12 south will be decided ONLY by the head to head matchup between UCLA and USC. UCLA can lose, they can win, it doesn't matter.

They aren't in the same division. By your crappy example, Alabama has a harder path to the SEC Championship game because they play Wisconsin rather than whoever the hell Auburn plays. No, they have a harder SoS, that game will have no effect on the SEC West.
Wow, do we have to go back to pee wee football and start from scratch? :L
One of those teams has to play Oregon, the other Oregon State. Yet both have the same chance to win the conference in your mind? Which one is most likely to come out 1-0 in their game vs 0-1? Which one is then an entire game back and probably already out of the discussion for the playoff while the other still has a chance? Which one MUST beat the other to even have hope, while the other could still lose the head to head and still win their division?

Is this REALLY that hard for you?


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Wow, do we have to go back to pee wee football and start from scratch? :L
One of those teams has to play Oregon, the other Oregon State. Yet both have the same chance to win the conference in your mind? Which one is most likely to come out 1-0 in their game vs 0-1? Which one is then an entire game back and probably already out of the discussion for the playoff while the other still has a chance? Which one MUST beat the other to even have hope, while the other could still lose the head to head and still win their division?

Is this REALLY that hard for you?

It doesn't matter if either of them come out of those games 1-0 or 0-1. In the end, it will only be the head to head game between them that decides their division.


The games are not part of the "path" to the championship game because they aren't in the same division. All you can say is 1 has a harder overall SoS. Just like USC is likely to have the harder SoS when they open against Alabama in 2016. But that game doesn't have an effect on if USC will make it to the Pac12 championship game because Alabama isn't in the Pac12 South.

Same conference, different divisions.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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So instead of answering directly to the actual example of this coming years schedule, you continue to banter on around the obvious imbalance of each division. It isn't brought up because even someone of your limited comprehension can't miss how obvious it is. It's not worth discussing. In fact the only thing worth mentioning about it is it further shows how dumb your stance is to begin with when this discussion was ultimately about wanting an end to imbalanced schedules to start with. :L

Your fail knows no limits does it?

Right, you wanted to rant about why Round Robin is better, but you avoided the big reason because it was "obvious", so you went with the argument that's wrong instead.

I've heard better excuses from crackheads.


May 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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This year USC plays Oregon, but not Oregon State. UCLA plays Oregon State, but not Oregon. Yet both have equally as difficult of a path to reach a conference title.

420 math.

Your treading on really thin ice here Whiz...with me.

Watch yer step there mister...


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
Hoopla Cash
$ 666.00
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I think your correct on losing some of the impact when talking about what a loss could cost a team. For example, if USC were to lose to Stanford, it doesn't necessarily impact them as far as winning the conference. As long as they take care of business in the South, they would still be in the CCG. In the round robin format or if Stanford was in the South, that loss would have a much bigger impact.

As far as the rivalry and still getting to play each other every year, the impact is minimal.
Losing to Cal now doesn't hold nearly the same impact as that loss to Aaron Rodgers in 03. The fire in the SC cal series took a hit when the PAC changed formats IMO. They are starting to feel more like casual games to me now. The OT game vs luck was a great game and a heartbreaker "although Kiffin really fucked that game up at the end. But last years SC/Stanfford game was kinda blah. It takes A lot of the sense of urgency and passion from those games. When the teams can drop the game and still play for conference championship regardless. Oregon and Arizona aren't even rivals but the way Oregon handled Arizona in the CCG took away from what was originally viewed as a strong game and A statement by AZ. May not be true no way to really know but it does open up the possibility Oregon just wasn't up for that first game. I know the shift was necessary with the expansion. And this is just my opinion, But i think even though they still play the rivalries are taking a hit as a result


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
Hoopla Cash
$ 666.00
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Show me where a win or loss by either UCLA or USC by any combination of Oregon/Oregon St has any effect on if UCLA or USC goes to the conference championship game.

No matter what either does in either game, the Pac12 south will be decided ONLY by the head to head matchup between UCLA and USC. UCLA can lose, they can win, it doesn't matter.

They aren't in the same division. By your crappy example, Alabama has a harder path to the SEC Championship game because they play Wisconsin rather than whoever the hell Auburn plays. No, they have a harder SoS, that game will have no effect on the SEC West.

You have to lose 2 games to the other division for it to matter. At which point, it no longer really does because it's 2 games.
I can see saying Oregon has the easier path with Stanford being their biggest obstacle. But the south is a little more complex. Aside from SC and UCLA ,ASU andand arizona are right in the mix and Utah is a tough quad you can never tell with the Utes. SC also plays Oregon does have Sparty to play but SC has A huge rivalry game with ND yearly and does take on a lot of top tier schools in home and homes i.e. OSU not long ago ,Vtech Nebraska. Oregon went Boise State,LSU, Sparty. PAC schools book tough teams OOC quite A bit. The south is far from a done deal for any team. And with rivalries like Oregon and oregon state,Oregon Washington and Oregon Stanford gaining steam that could change too. The landscape is changing and the PAC has grown quite strong. They had a hell of a bowl run as a conference last season. And its very debatable they had the best QB's and offenses in the nation. Even cal has a scary offense. With the direction the pack is headed building defenses will be the key to success in the conference. The offenses are flourishing and I expect teams that were down before to continue to improve and and rise further. Cal and the Huskies are my picks for dark horse teams this season. With Utah anot far behind and Oregon State making a potential push


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
Hoopla Cash
$ 666.00
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This year USC plays Oregon, but not Oregon State. UCLA plays Oregon State, but not Oregon. Yet both have equally as difficult of a path to reach a conference title.

420 math.
call me crazy but over the years I've grown to enjoy 420;s posts he's actually pretty knowledgable and straight forward. I enjoy reading his opinions and debating with him. I do think he may have been looking at last years schedule tho simple mistake we all make them


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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It doesn't matter if either of them come out of those games 1-0 or 0-1. In the end, it will only be the head to head game between them that decides their division.


The games are not part of the "path" to the championship game because they aren't in the same division. All you can say is 1 has a harder overall SoS. Just like USC is likely to have the harder SoS when they open against Alabama in 2016. But that game doesn't have an effect on if USC will make it to the Pac12 championship game because Alabama isn't in the Pac12 South.

Same conference, different divisions.
You are still wrong, but that's never stopped you before.

Head to head only matters in a tie. The Pac seeds their teams by overall conference record, NOT DIVISION RECORD. That Oregon game very very much matters in the outcome. That Oregon game is just as relevant as playing either of the zona schools. This is why it's so fucking obvious that the imbalance between the divisions goes without saying. But even within each division the imbalance further creates unfair advantages.

Want to keep putting your foot in your mouth? Or are you ready to claim you want to quit this site and leave forever?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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call me crazy but over the years I've grown to enjoy 420;s posts he's actually pretty knowledgable and straight forward. I enjoy reading his opinions and debating with him. I do think he may have been looking at last years schedule tho simple mistake we all make them
Well you obviously have missed his tirades where he threatens the site. And who can forget where he attacked a posters handicapped wife calling her a hooker.

He didn't make any tiny mistake based on last year, he's trying to assert something that is just dumb and he's always stubborn when caught in something like this and tries desperately to save it. This isn't our first trip to the rodeo with him.


Jul 30, 2010
Southern Calabama
Hoopla Cash
$ 666.00
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Well you obviously have missed his tirades where he threatens the site. And who can forget where he attacked a posters handicapped wife calling her a hooker.

He didn't make any tiny mistake based on last year, he's trying to assert something that is just dumb and he's always stubborn when caught in something like this and tries desperately to save it. This isn't our first trip to the rodeo with him.
Never saw them :noidea: was it while i wasn't around?
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