Gun Control,,,,not likely
ahhhhhh who am I ,,,,,if you like do it have a little fun,just not my cup of tea
No problem, like I say - it'd be kinda boring if we all cheered for the same team!ahhhhhh who am I ,,,,,if you like do it have a little fun,just not my cup of tea
you won't get this very often but I'm with net on this one
Yeah caption-slap is kinda foolish.
But - so are:
The Office, 3 Stooges, Monty Python, Saturday Night Live, David Letterman . . .
please dont insult the mighty Python with the same referance as letterbum or the stooges
they Mighty Python was way ahead of their time, the stooges were just idiocy on film, and letterman is an asshole
and Ghost?
dont agree with me, it just confuses me!