Warn the others...
good deal, ghost
yeah the probem was right where I thought it was,saved myself at least $200.oo doing it myself
yeah the probem was right where I thought it was,saved myself at least $200.oo doing it myself
Yay!!! Way to go GG![]()
Good to hear ghost. Cars are expensive to take care of,me and the wife just forked out around a grand last month on our Blazer!![]()
Have you guys seen that movie"Paul"..its about an alien!!? Funny as hell!! Got Seth Rogens voice!!
hey ghost,you know how rie's letters are pink? well i'm trying to get mine blue and i cant figure out what i'm doing wrong.If you or anyone on here can help me out,that would be great!!![]()
I hope you're rant earlier wasn't in some part ment for me,,,,,,last thing I would want to do is tic you off