Let The Games Begin!!
laughed so hard I couldn't see
Damn that would suck!!!!!!!!:bj:
laughed so hard I couldn't see
it is a little much ghost But Ill let it slide
ghost on the way to work today a doe and 2 fawns jumped out in front of me ... good thing for them I was still in the neighbor hood .. I was going slow
I think I'll start a page for dirty cartoons,,,,think anyone would show up
You might of gotten those fawn if your beagle wasn't distracted!!!lol blue thats the spirit ...
you could be on to sumthig there ghost
yeah that would have been bad hitting them,,,,,,,,,,about a week ago I saw a doe with 4 fawns,I have never seen that before 3 is the max 2 is the normal,only thing I can figure is at least 1 of them was an orphan and she took it in
have you checked out the hunting forum here on the hoop guys
have you checked out the hunting forum here on the hoop guys
as long as it aint p0rnagraphic
Usually when i go hunting its down in Somerset,KY next to Cumberland lake.My grandfather(god bless his soul)would take me as a kid,so i know the territory like the back of my hand.Good hunting as well!
fox is a ghost town .. serves em right