Gun Control,,,,not likely
Who all you competing against Rie, Blue?
it started wit 17 teams we are down to 11 but yes Rie blue and Psych,the rest don't much matter
Who all you competing against Rie, Blue?
it started wit 17 teams we are down to 11 but yes Rie blue and Psych,the rest don't much matter
rain,,jeff gordon wins
You like Gordon?
this is a good womens volleyball match between russia and italy
no I don't like that little turd
Me either, I think he is a whiny little Beeatch...
at least I'm not by myself,,,,this week turned out ok,the only one who gained on me that I worry about is Rie,,,,,she gained 30,,I still have a 200 point lead
200 is a good lead Ghost.
it's not bad but all it takes is a couple bad weeks and you can be passed,but just to give you an idea how things can go,the 6th place team at one time was #1 with a lead of 200 or 250 points on me now he is 310 points behind me
evening all
And it's over in Nov? a lot of time left..
good steel ruff day at wurk today