Afternoon, everyone.
Didn't realize that our bayou brother was a philosopher, but he's got a good point there.
Didn't realize that our bayou brother was a philosopher, but he's got a good point there.
Lost one of my dogs a few months ago.
Sucked like hell. They are part of the family.
Can't let it consume you though.
Easier said then done, I know.
NCSF NEVER call me a philosopher, I call it the way it is, not the way I think I see it. LOL
How about a prognosticator?
Memo to self:
The term "philosopher" is apparently an insult in the Deep South. Do not use when referring to MS.
Funny word. I know it means someone who makes predictions, but it sounds like someone who puts things off...
...or maybe someone who makes dirty movies.
Goes good misk, Cali good to see ya, clark pull your head out your ass, as long as you are in a funk the wife will be too. She needs ya to help her to. Sorry if this is brash but you can't bring the cat back now, it happens. The Cat was your pet, your wife is your partner. Sorry if that hurts, but that is it. Wait till your 55 and lose pets, kids piss you off, and work sucks. Having the wife is priceless!
damn ,,,a little hard on clark,,,,,,,,,everyone deals with things differently,,cut the guy some slack
anymore bans while I was gone
To be honest as much as I'm grieving its the wife I am mote stressed about right now.Seems like no matter how hard I try I can't break her out of the rut she is digging herself in.She is really worrying me and she needs to take a break from questioning things and over thinking.I am trying desperately to break the cycle and make her smile or be more positive.But nothing I have done seems to be helping.Gonna try getting her out of the house aside from the therapist to try and give her mind a break any suggestions?