Good morning Misk and GG
GG ~ I saw!!! I am so happy!!!! I wish I would have picked him, but I only have Jr for 3 more races so I'm saving him for Daytona, Talladega, and the next Michigan races....
Good morning Steeler peeps and friends.
Please accept my apologies for my absence lately. Most of you know I was vacationing in Key West two weeks ago, then I had major computer problems at the office last week....
black wasp or the red ones?
I'll try to get back here this afternoon, I'm still loading all my programs back on the new beast....
if not, I'll catch y'all after work....
The black ones are pretty relentless......I had to knock a nest down from in front of my door so I did it from inside my car. LOL I had to roll my window up quick cause they came out swarming. They sat there for a good 5 mins. attacking my window before I decided to just drive off.
The black ones are pretty relentless......I had to knock a nest down from in front of my door so I did it from inside my car. LOL I had to roll my window up quick cause they came out swarming. They sat there for a good 5 mins. attacking my window before I decided to just drive off.
black,I was out in the shop moved a box and had to run for itthey got my left arm pretty good