Gun Control,,,,not likely
Ben would be and maybe Troy P..imo
I say Bradshaw was the best QB we have ever had he never lost a SB and he won 4 in 6 years.....................
Ben would be and maybe Troy P..imo
dead air damned,,,,I needed someone to bitch to
Evening.. Bitch away GG, lol
where have you been I could have used some help,,,the fuel pump went out in my truck today and I have a full gas tank,it gave me hard time getting it out would have been easier and less painful if that tank had been near empty
well I'm filthy and I need to hit the shower I'll be back in a bit
I was around yesterday and nobody was here GG, today we went out and watch the Bengals lose 2 the Browns.., lol I'm here now... So is it all fixed now gg??