Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Comparing pregnancy to possession of a football is insane. One player can have more possession than the other. Jennings touched it first and brought it down. He clearly had more possession.
Wrong, show me a rule book paragraph or ANY mention of saying anything about "More Possession"
I tried to come in peace and have mentioned how Historic the GB franchise is, but YOU are making this laughable. I'm sorry, but you have YET to show ANY evidence to your claim, just crap like, well the rest of the NFL fanbase says, which is CRAP, because that is NOT true.
More Possession is BS. Just like almost Pregnant or MORE pregnant. You want more, how about "More guilty" or "more Dead"
Shit, this guy got shot 60% more than the other guy, who only got shot less, so The FIRST guy is More Dead.
C'mon, admit defeat on this issue, there is no such thing as "More Possession".
As asked, show me a photo/video where Tate doesn't have possession.
If it is that CLEAR, provide the evidence. PLEASE.