I Support Law Enforcement.
I understand each situation is different. RosendoAs you totally ignore Wilson doing somthing those greats couldn't.
I understand each situation is different. RosendoAs you totally ignore Wilson doing somthing those greats couldn't.
BULLSHITI don't start this ya know, just a counterpuncher, think you are picking on the wong guy.
I'm 6-2 269 today, serious lifter, in a word....thick.
Why isn't @dbldwn711 isn't contributing to this thread? He should be here dang it.
Just read 2 or 3 Razon posts, you'll catch up faster than Usain Bolt running a 100M Sprint.ok... what’s going on here? What am I missing?
Did you get your 300lb dumbbells Rogue had to make specially for you? Brian Shaw thought he wall all that ordering 200lb ones, weak fuck . Happy curling those 25in arms!!BULLSHIT
Oh, I don't doubt he served (many have) but considering he's been bull shitting everything else....I figured this pic was aprapos.Haha
I enjoy messing around with guys but I’ve got some hard and fast do’s/donts. One is dont mess with or even joke about military service. @Manster7588 and @NWPATSFAN are legit military guys. Is this guy claiming military service?
Oh, I don't doubt he served (many have) but considering he's been bull shitting everything else....I figured this pic was aprapos.
I think your a motor mouth, condensing, insulting, a know it all. Does that get folks to post , sure. We value quality over quantity here and have shown the door to others of your type . Try to be less condensing. less insulting. less a know it all and maybe you survive here.
Angry much?
Read this post again.
You're a poser and got busted. Stop pretending.
I told you go read the post again about where I called you out for your lack of math slills. I'm tired of schooling you.
You've claimed repeatidly the bs #s you were posting were all yours. You never forget anything, Siri doesn't know anything and you don't use Google.
Sonny pointed out your flaw about Peyton and Wilson.
You're a fraud and not even a good one.
We've done this dance already.Still trying to figure out.....busted????
Math skills???
Wilson out played Peyton, so...???
Yep, a legit long time football fan, so????
Still trying to figure out.....busted????
Math skills???
Wilson out played Peyton, so...???
Yep, a legit long time football fan, so????
I understand each situation is different. Rosendo
Does this look like a face watching greatness to you?
We've done this dance already.
Go see if anyone else wants to two step with you.
Deal in facts, ok? Stop making things up.
No but, does claim to be built like The RockHaha
I enjoy messing around with guys but I’ve got some hard and fast do’s/donts. One is dont mess with or even joke about military service. @Manster7588 and @NWPATSFAN are legit military guys. Is this guy claiming military service?
Well speaking of facts you said Joe Perry (11,700) finished with more total yards than Roger Craig (13,100). You said no QB has ever gone to 7 pro bowl his first 9 seasons. But Johnny U went to 8 pro bowls his first 9 seasons.
"stop making things up"
Oh the funny irony of you saying that.