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The FAST AS HELL Evolution of Bigs


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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The Evolution is largely in part due to the increased popularity of the sport world wide. They do play different more to their genetics in different parts of the world. A guy like Giannis would have been told to be a PF or C if he had come along 10 years prior. Or hell, not even pick up a basketball at all. But with the stretching popularity and open mindedness of world scene you get a guy like him who is absolutely un guard able at his position. A guy like Ben Simmons at PG would create havoc. And god, Embiid is un guard able as well.
well- not only would have Giannis and Embiid have almost assuredly been "prototypical back to the basket centers" 10 or so + years ago- there is a decent chance NEITHER would even be in the NBA

every time someone tells me the NBA talent pool is watered down i laugh my ass off becuase its simply not true.

the NBA talent pool has NEVER been bigger and stronger- not only the HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE advancement of the international game- which- what, 15 years ago how many foreign players were in the league? compared to today...

but also how much better college basketball is a whole- sooo many teams are so well coached now adays....guys just dont slip through the cracks anymore

lillard, leonard for example went to small crap schools and the chances they would have good coaching and good development and be recognized 15-20 years ago at such small skills is close to nil.

combine the growth in international players and the efficiency of the college basketball system- and its not even close- the biggest and best player pool in history is right now.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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yeah wiggy i see your argument about embid. no weaknesses especially on D


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Sep 2, 2014
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The Sixers, and Brett Brown especially, and the program he's put in place here, deserve a ton of credit for developing Embiid.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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One underrated aspect in the extinction of back to the basket bigs is because there's no longer any illegal defense. With teams being able to hedge defenders towards any low post player, it puts them in really difficult situations. Previously guys like Hakeem or Ewing could do work in the post because they would have two decisions to make: 1) pass the ball if you see a secondary defender coming or 2) go up for a shot because you're in an isolation.

With illegal defense, the secondary defender had to fully commit to the double team, otherwise he'd be called for illegal defense. Now a days with the incorporation of zone defenses, the secondary defender is able to retreat after hedging or able to take up space in unoccupied territory, as long as they're not camping in the key.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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One underrated aspect in the extinction of back to the basket bigs is because there's no longer any illegal defense. With teams being able to hedge defenders towards any low post player, it puts them in really difficult situations. Previously guys like Hakeem or Ewing could do work in the post because they would have two decisions to make: 1) pass the ball if you see a secondary defender coming or 2) go up for a shot because you're in an isolation.

With illegal defense, the secondary defender had to fully commit to the double team, otherwise he'd be called for illegal defense. Now a days with the incorporation of zone defenses, the secondary defender is able to retreat after hedging or able to take up space in unoccupied territory, as long as they're not camping in the key.

I basically scream this at my television every time Shaq goes on his weekly rant about "big guys should be able to get 28 and 15 every game".