Well-Known Member
I’ve lost count myself how many times she’s flip flopped on liking-disliking as it’d sometimes happen multiple times when n a single episode. If James Spader wasn’t so great in his role, this show would’ve been dead many years ago.It is impossible to follow which mystery we trying to solve for this show from season to season.
One season, he is a scum bag ACTING like her father.
One season, he is a swell guy who IS her father.
One season, he is a swell guy ACTING like her father.
One season, he is a scum bag who IS her father.
One season, he is a scum bag who IS NOT her father.
One season, he is a swelL guy who IS NOT her father.
I honestly am not certain where we are at this point... scum bag who is not? Swell guy who is acting like?
I have no idea.