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Texas player tweets about transfering at halftime.


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Aug 21, 2014
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How many idiots will Strong have kicked out of their program once we count this kid?

In college, coaching a bunch of kids, and then trying to recruit more you can't lose a team like this. You just can't. He's as good as gone.

But whoever ends up getting hired to replace Strong is going to send him Christmas cards for life. Somebody needed to get that program under control.


Resident Inhabitant and nerve striker
Apr 8, 2011
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what he did at Louisville was amazing
The Big XII is a different animal than what he had to face weekly while at Louisville.

He couldn't have come at a worse time.


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The Big XII is a different animal than what he had to face weekly while at Louisville.

He couldn't have come at a worse time.

If Strong had stayed at Louisville, would anyone think that Petrino would've ended up there at Texas instead or stayed at Western Kentucky for another year waiting for another big opening to try to take?


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No way that dude should stay on the team.


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
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I was one of the last MACK BROWN supporters to the bitter end
He did leave a lot of empty holes, but he left a ton of defensive talent for Charlie.

The biggest failing was that Mack did not stockpile offensive linemen.
Charlie immediately kicked every offensive linemen off the team in year 1.
So, Texas literally cannot score against anyone semi-good with the worst offensive line ever assembled.

They will be fine and look okay versus CAL, OSU, WVU, TTU, ISU, KANSAS, and yes OKLAHOMA as well.
But, they wont look better than 50/50 versus those average teams.

They will continue to look like garbage versus good teams.

guess we will find out next Saturday if texass will be fine and look okay vs OU......

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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Maybe I'm wrong but I think Strong has taken the "hard road" in regards to cleaning up the program and changing the attitude. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's painful. The program was in decline under Brown and he let things slide to keep his job as long as possible and Strong is still cleaning the mess up. I think you have to give a proven coach like him with a track record a full 5 years.

As for Texas fans: all that crap you feed everyone else about your program's integrity, pristine discipline, etc just know it was all smoke and mirrors because your shit was being covered up and you had the same issues we all do. So next time you feeling all superior just keep it to yourself we ain't buying it.


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
High Plains of My Mind
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s for Texas fans: all that crap you feed everyone else about your program's integrity, pristine discipline, etc just know it was all smoke and mirrors because your shit was being covered up and you had the same issues we all do. So next time you feeling all superior just keep it to yourself we ain't buying it.

we've been telling them that for years but when you think yer shit don't stink....:noidea:


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Maybe I'm wrong but I think Strong has taken the "hard road" in regards to cleaning up the program and changing the attitude. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's painful. The program was in decline under Brown and he let things slide to keep his job as long as possible and Strong is still cleaning the mess up. I think you have to give a proven coach like him with a track record a full 5 years.

As for Texas fans: all that crap you feed everyone else about your program's integrity, pristine discipline, etc just know it was all smoke and mirrors because your shit was being covered up and you had the same issues we all do. So next time you feeling all superior just keep it to yourself we ain't buying it.



R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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This excuse of Mack Brown leaving the cupboard bare of talent is old and played out. The situation was no different at Michigan and UF. Both coaches took over shit programs and are winning just fine w/the talent that sucked the previous year. Strong is not getting the job done period. Anybody can see this is a coaching issue....

The difference seems to be though, that the coaches at Michigan and Florida are using the players who were there when they arrived. Strong, kicked many of the players who were already there off the team.

The good news is, you should have a much more disciplined team. The bad news is, you get the growing pains that come with playing a lot of young guys.