Chuck Member
^no worky
I can only assume that the picture in question was a quick one-step throw from him out of the gun. In those situations, the QB doesn't really have the luxary of 'finding the laces'. The ball has to get out on time. Could have possibly been a 1 step slant or a slip screen of some kind. Don't know unless we see the whole picture.
Who knows, maybe he really holds the ball like that...I'd like to think a D-I QB holds the ball in a typical fashion under normal circumstances tho.
The grip is the least of his problems... My god. My little sister throws a better ball. I'm not kidding either. We taught her how to throw the right way when she was little and she's always had good form.
I want to slap the asshole who let taylor develop those bad habits.
Agreed, but looking at other pics of him throwing I have failed to see many others without proper grip on the football. Tried to post a pic of it but I failed miserably. I am not as cool as the rest of ye bastards in that regard.
Who throws a football with his thumb on the same side of the ball as his fingers? Oh wait I know who probably throws that way...nope not going there. Still trying to break these negative habits.
I know I always teach my QB's to lean backwards parallel to the ground before they release the ball.....
That picture where his thumb is on the wrong side was just a fluke must have been a quick screen pass and he couldn't get his hand around is what he usually looks like.
Now this is just BEAUTIFUL form here
I think I can read his lips in that picture. He is yelling, "500!!!". Man, who ever catches that will win.
Oh and, not to be too negative here but, are you sure the first picture is the fluke picture with his thumb or could this picture be the fluke?
That picture where his thumb is on the wrong side was just a fluke must have been a quick screen pass and he couldn't get his hand around is what he usually looks like.
Now this is just BEAUTIFUL form here
He has some little hands. His ugly form was developed as a kid. He was a running back first, then switched to QB as a junior in HS I believe. His motion was probably etched while playing smear the queer, or 500 before practice in the peewees.
Again, he has small hand, which one would believe leads to flutter balls.