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Summarizing the first five games


Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Can you blame Wilson for leaving the pocket early sometimes ? Pass protection has been putrid so far .... If it wasn't for Wilson and his elusiveness we would have 40 sacks given up already ...

The line did fine on Sunday's game and there were instances where he broke too early and got himself into trouble. There were a couple of plays when he broke, ran into trouble, and then scramble in an attempt to gain some positive yards, he instead lost 2-3 yards and put us in a second and 3rd long situations.

In these type of situations if you're going to break early and get yourself into trouble, at least throw the ball away. No one is questioning his elusiveness but you can't play being afraid to make mistakes. I think the INT in the SB really got to his head, it's all mental at this point.


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Apr 22, 2013
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What i have seen in the first 5 games is the same thing i saw in preseason. Offense can't score when they need to. Defense has issues stopping teams when they NEED TO. Oline is not working.

I can not blame Bevell this season as he can't run 50% of the play book because of the play from the oline. Lynch/Rawls have done their best behind a piss poor oline that can no longer run block consistently. WR's can't get open and when they DO get open Russell is all ready running for his life. If the Oline does not improve drastically this team will not make the playoffs and could finish below .500

Defense played like shit in the 4th quarter of the Cincy game. They could not hold a 17 point lead. You can not blame the offense/Wilson for that. The Defense has cost the Hawks 2 games this year more than the Offense has cost them, who would have thought that?


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Jul 3, 2013
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What i have seen in the first 5 games is the same thing i saw in preseason. Offense can't score when they need to. Defense has issues stopping teams when they NEED TO. Oline is not working.

I can not blame Bevell this season as he can't run 50% of the play book because of the play from the oline. Lynch/Rawls have done their best behind a piss poor oline that can no longer run block consistently. WR's can't get open and when they DO get open Russell is all ready running for his life. If the Oline does not improve drastically this team will not make the playoffs and could finish below .500

Defense played like shit in the 4th quarter of the Cincy game. They could not hold a 17 point lead. You can not blame the offense/Wilson for that. The Defense has cost the Hawks 2 games this year more than the Offense has cost them, who would have thought that?

You gotta put some of it on the O ... I can't understand how so many are looking past the fact that our O did nothing the entire 4th quarter and even had 2 chances in OT ... Our O could a iced that game... I just think our D ran out of gas and had a lot of pressure put on them down the stretch, from some bad special teams play and a couple short fields... Sure they could a played better, but we can't rely on this defense like we could the last couple years... We need more balance on offense... Our D is still very good, but not historically good like it was .. our corner play isn't as locked down right now... Our run D has been fantastic, but our passing D just hasn't been that great so far... We need our O to pick up the slack a bit... I do agree our D should held serve up 17 in the last quarter, but momentum was on Cincy's side, and our O did NOTHING to help that momentum....


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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I disagree with you that he's regressed though. He's going through reads better, plus he's making most of the reads at the LOS, since the centre is new - but the time he's getting is getting worse, not better. The fact that he has nearly a 70% completion rate despite that O line play is pretty damned astounding actually.

I don't think he's regressed in the least, I think that he sometimes plays too skittish and doesn't allow the line to do it's job (which isn't surprising) - and won't trust his receivers to bail him out unless they've got a 2 yard cushion. I think he puts a little too much trust in his athletic ability, and that it sometimes leads to things that shouldn't happen. It isn't that he isn't doing great things, it's that when he does make mistakes they can hurt more than anyone else's mistakes (like a line that is struggling giving good protection only to have the qb run out of bounds for a sack has just gotta be demoralizing).


Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You gotta put some of it on the O ... I can't understand how so many are looking past the fact that our O did nothing the entire 4th quarter and even had 2 chances in OT ... Our O could a iced that game... I just think our D ran out of gas and had a lot of pressure put on them down the stretch, from some bad special teams play and a couple short fields... Sure they could a played better, but we can't rely on this defense like we could the last couple years... We need more balance on offense... Our D is still very good, but not historically good like it was .. our corner play isn't as locked down right now... Our run D has been fantastic, but our passing D just hasn't been that great so far... We need our O to pick up the slack a bit... I do agree our D should held serve up 17 in the last quarter, but momentum was on Cincy's side, and our O did NOTHING to help that momentum....

Who's to blame that the O did absolutely nothing? It has to be Wilson. Right now he's playing scared.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Who's to blame that the O did absolutely nothing? It has to be Wilson. Right now he's playing scared.

I don't think Wilson ever play's scared... I think he's just not trusting his O-line so he's leaving the pocket earlier than usual ... Some of those sacks there was just nothing downfield on the replay's ... We need better separation and better offensive play calling in our passing game... I do think Wilson can play better though, he has played better... I think our O is just gonna take some time to gel .. It's tough when you have 3 rookies on your offensive line ... And Britt has played like a rookie ...
Sep 11, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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It all starts and ends with the Oline.

Seattle could have Brady under center with Gronk at TE with Julio Jones out there and We'd still be losing games with the current state of the Oline >_<

What I would like Seattle to do:

1) Drew Nowak practice his snaps, dude is getting it down. But, I want this cat to be able to wake up in the middle night and snap that ball with accuracy.

2) Bevell shelving his current playbook. Cobble together a new one that has plays factoring in the limited amount of TIME Russ has in the pocket. What is 2 seconds or something like that? Roll him out, quick passes, timed passes, slant routes etc. Bevell needs to tailor plays that allows Russ to build trust in the Oline and the Oline to build their confidence.

3) Have Russ stay off of Social media, commercials and other distracting things. Focus on your job, get back to basics.

Anyone here play quarterback in High School or College? If you had Seattle's oline, would you feel comfortable in that pocket? Would you be able to do your progressions? Or after the snap would you have a feeling of impending doom?

TLDR: Russ needs to be able to trust that his Oline will provide a minimum amount of guaranteed time for him to do his reads. Bevell needs to provide plays that factor in the limited amount of time Russ has to throw or hand off the ball.


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Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You gotta put some of it on the O ... I can't understand how so many are looking past the fact that our O did nothing the entire 4th quarter and even had 2 chances in OT ... Our O could a iced that game... I just think our D ran out of gas and had a lot of pressure put on them down the stretch, from some bad special teams play and a couple short fields... Sure they could a played better, but we can't rely on this defense like we could the last couple years... We need more balance on offense... Our D is still very good, but not historically good like it was .. our corner play isn't as locked down right now... Our run D has been fantastic, but our passing D just hasn't been that great so far... We need our O to pick up the slack a bit... I do agree our D should held serve up 17 in the last quarter, but momentum was on Cincy's side, and our O did NOTHING to help that momentum....

Boogie reed my SECOND sentence lol, i said the O can not score when they need to ( like the 4th quarter of the Cincy game ) -.- i wonder what you read or did not read in my post if you missed the very 2nd sentence lol. My whole 2nd paragraph was about the O. Also the D gave up 27 first downs 419 yards total ( Thats shitty. ) Dalton compl;eted like 66% of his passes. They couldn't get a stop when they needed to something they did a lot of in 2012,13 and 14.
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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Boogie reed my SECOND sentence lol, i said the O can not score when they need to ( like the 4th quarter of the Cincy game ) -.- i wonder what you read or did not read in my post if you missed the very 2nd sentence lol. My whole 2nd paragraph was about the O. Also the D gave up 27 first downs 419 yards total ( Thats shitty. ) Dalton compl;eted like 66% of his passes. They couldn't get a stop when they needed to something they did a lot of in 2012,13 and 14.

But you did say you can't blame the offense for not holding a 17 point lead, While I get your point for sure, I just think you can blame the offense for not helping a dam ... That was my point... Bad special teams play also helped the Bengals out with short fields... Look our D didn't play great starting or finishing I totally agree... But I just feel like any kind a O in that 4th quarter and a lot of pressure it taken off the D ... Hell we even got 2 chances in OT which our O once again did nothing... It was just all around frustrating on offense in the second half, other than the long TD run by Rawls we didn't do much ...


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Sep 1, 2011
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Who's to blame that the O did absolutely nothing? It has to be Wilson. Right now he's playing scared.

Lets take a look after the 17 point lead.


This pass on 3rd down was caught out off bounds. Wasn't a perfect pass, but it could have been a first down for a lot yardage if Lockett had just dragged his toe. Was a nice play call, just a little off on execution.


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Next drive. Third down.




As you can see Wilson stayed in the pocket, but Gilliam got blown up.


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Next series was 9 yard pass to Luke Wilson, run for first down by Rawls. Then a 5yd run for Rawls, a 3 yard run for Rawls, third and 2 they try a pass everybody covered, Wilson stays in the pocket tries a sideline pass that seemed like a throw away to avoid a sack and the receiver was well covered. Working the clock with running plays, Rawls had 3 straight carries, maybe it should of been 4, but at some point the defense is going stack up a run.


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The next series two straight carries for Rawls it third and five.



Wilson looking down field no receivers opened. Britt was lucky for not getting a flag, because he wasn't set.
Wilson ends up trying to squeeze between Britt and the center, Akins throw Britt aside and makes a nice tackle. Punt time again.


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You can see the gap Wilson thought he hit, Akins made a great play to nail him. Britt needs a lot of work yet.


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Screenshot%20-%2010_13_2015%20%207_02_58%20PM.png Screenshot%20-%2010_13_2015%20%207_11_09%20PM.png

This was so close to a big play, Lockett was open, but Wilson is getting hit as he's passing, still catchable for Lockett, but a tough catch and he didn't catch it. Next play went to Fred Jackcon for 9 yards short of first down. Punt


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Last series was a 2 yard run by Rawls, but holding on Gillam turned it into a 1st and 20. Wilson hits Fred Jackson for 12 yards. 2nd and 8, that helps. Tries to hit Luke Wilson, but the pass broken, next play Bengals collapse on Wilson. Punt Seahawks don't see the ball again.

You know Saw some big plays that were just so close to happening , also some awful penalties on OL, saw Gilliam have a tough night.

It will get better. Just have to hope it's not to late.

Dang this was a lot of work.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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What I find interesting is that Indy's OL was awful with Luck and then when Hass takes over, it looked much better... Hass stays in the pocket and get's rid of the ball fast... Something Brady, Manning do as well which makes their OL look much better than they are... Point people are making is that RW isn't doing his OL any favor just as much as the OL isn't doing RW any favors... RW isn't getting rid of the ball quickly for some reason...


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What I find interesting is that Indy's OL was awful with Luck and then when Hass takes over, it looked much better... Hass stays in the pocket and get's rid of the ball fast... Something Brady, Manning do as well which makes their OL look much better than they are... Point people are making is that RW isn't doing his OL any favor just as much as the OL isn't doing RW any favors... RW isn't getting rid of the ball quickly for some reason...

It seems to me that Seahawk offense looks a lot like Al Davis offense ( back when it was good) lots of power running then the down the field strike. This game went like that, unfortunately those two passes to Lockett just missed.


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Aug 15, 2014
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We had our time with that philosophy under Holmgren. We got close, but no cigar.

I'd certainly like to see Wilson develop as a throwing QB, making quick decisions, but we're not that O. We killed teams with quick strike Offence, and this year, we've been close with doing it again (Lockett missed catches), but have come up short.

At any rate, sure, a top tier QB who gets rid of the ball quick and can dink and dunk can be a weapon, but we've shown we can destroy those teams too.