Monte Carlo Wildcat
Any chance Finn is related to Mace Windu? 

He deserved a few Oscars.
Then you probably wouldn't enjoy this thread.
*Or are you gay and you're trying to claim Star Wars for gay culture. We don't judge, there's enough SW for everyone.
A Compiled Synopsis of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. |
Stumbled upon this today and after much temptation, I broke down and read it. It is basically a summary of the entire movie based on all that's leaked out over several months so MASSIVE SPOILERS.
Figured I'd share for anyone that's interested. I remember reading one for episode 3 that was basically spot on so I figure this will pretty much be the movie as well. I won't comment on it obviously other than to say it should be a good movie with one or two (at least one for sure) HOLY SHIT moments.
That can't be Finn that Rey is crying about, could it? I mean, we see Finn fighting Kylo, and we know (or should know by now) Finn isn't a Jedi, not to mention his face looks like he's about to piss himself as Kylo is about to take a swing. We also see Leia, who's pretty damn tough, crying in the arms of Han, whom most seem to speculate will bite the big one and that's the only reason Ford came back. I mean, it's probably a dead Han, especially as one would assume Disney is set on pushing young characters and merchandise via the new trilogy, but is there any chance they actually try to surprise us with more than the true Sith master (cyborg creature), Rey's true role in all of this (basically the new Luke), the origin of Kylo (former good guy pilot gone bad, and possible son of Han & Leia) and perhaps the role Luke (self-exiled, now Obi-Wan/Yoda figure) plays in this movie?
At the same time, it would be comical if the first main character to get whacked was the black dude. The jokes would write themselves for years.
He just starts his Jedi training, forced into a way too early duel, and then ends up getting owned in seconds by Klyo
There appears to be a scene where Ren, the chrome trooper (tall girl from GOT), and storm troopers are attacking a village at night and looks like a massacre is taking place. This could take place on the desert planet Rey grows up on and it's a friend or someone who helped raise her is the one she's laying over.
There has been some chatter that this new order group, what's left of the Empire, sells the story that they were the "good guys" in the fight with the rebels. That they use this as their recruiting tool and to justify their tactics. It's probably during this attack that Rey gets a full taste of whose the bad guys.
Star Wars VII cast member Daisy Ridley watched the new trailer while she was recorded by a friend. It appears she is happy with the trailer:
A sentiment shared by fellow cast member John Boyega:
The cast is excited, the fans are excited.... now of course a meteor will hit the earth on December 16 or 17, and no one will see the film.
And like clockwork, I am now getting a bunch of KY ads on this site...Just some food for thought....
leia s-KY-walker
han so-LO