This is 100% on ownership to not acquire a real center fielder. Owings has been awful out there. He takes stupid paths to the ball and does not know how to play the position. And he is nowhere near a productive enough hitter to justify his being out there consistently. That missed fly ball just cost the team 5 runs. Probably lost the game with that one play. Should have caught that ball. No need to slide. It was ridiculous.
BoomI'm feeling a Jake Lamb home run tonight.
It is one thing to sign a player to a massive contract and not get what you expect out of him. It is an entirely different thing to trade a package of players like the Diamondbacks did for Miller and get nothing out of him. It is inexcusable. The only way for the organization to justify the Miller trade is for him to pitch like an ace which he pitched like last year. What he is doing this year is beyond belief. He has not even had one good start. The Diamondbacks gave up enormous value for him. If he does not pitch like an ace, it could be the worst trade in Arizona Diamondbacks history. I certainly hope that is not the case.
D-backs hope to set record for most dogs at sporting event
Is this a joke? Greinke and Miller have been atrocious and the organization is worried about how many dogs they can fit into the stadium. FOCUS ON WINNING A DAMN CHAMPIONSHIP YOU IDIOTS! Hard to imagine Colangelo ever caring about anything like this. Is this a baseball stadium or a dog park. If you need more fans, spend more money on better players. Idk what to say. What is going on with this team.