Kate Upton
Hotter than Kate Upton
I'm a dirty old man...

you must be literally the last person on the planet that hasn't figured out Joey bats is roided out of his fucking tree....
when dumb meets down. how many times has bautista walked this season and how many walks is he averaging this month per game. not that it matters any. what's walking got to do with anything.
what's walking got to do with anything.
show me anything on any of them. just one. or like someone said earlier. you just throwing names out there.
i've never denied. or confirmed it. all i said is prove it. if you're gonna go stating such you should have some proof. that's all. and if he was who gives a shit, with all the players doing it's a even playing field. especially yankees and red sox players. so exactly what is your point
blow jays
rock / snoogins / uno daily pissing match
thank god i had work to do
blow jays
rock / snoogins / uno daily pissing match
thank god i had work to do
Well the team that has the highest OBP in the AL leads the AL in R/G
The team with the 2nd highest OBP is 3rd in R/G
The team with teh 3rd highest OBP is 2nd in R/G
4, 5 and 6 in OBP are 6, 4 and 5 in OBP
The teams with the 3 lowest OBP's are the bottom 3 teams in R/G
So to answer your question.... Walking (although not really walking so much as getting on base)..... has a lot to do with scoring runs
But you knew that. Or at least you would if you'd listen to people smarter than you (aka just about anybody) about how the game of baseball works