Kate Upton
Hotter than Kate Upton

for our friend B_lake
for our friend B_lake
Melky with NYY and Atlanta: .267/.328/.379/.707 85 OPS+
Melky with steroids: .322/.360/.489/.849 136 OPS+
Melky on the most steroid infested team in baseball: .284/.330/.338/.718 92 OPS+
Melky is an idiot
the most steroid infested team in baseball would be the yankees. he doesn't play for you guys anymore.![]()
So...after seeing a picture suggesting you should insert you dick into AR's throat...
You first thought was "man, I need to learn how to suck dick"?
Yeah...yer a faggit!!!
Who the hell is this guy? Is this another SportsHoopla shmecklehead?
Encarnacion, bautista, and lawrie say otherwise
you're particularly angry today...and I never even addressed you
Encarnacion, bautista, and lawrie say otherwise
"daaaaaamn!!!! You found da one ass bedda dan rihannna's....daaaaaaaaammmmn!!!"
I am?
See...I make a joke about sake...he shrugs it off...I make a joke about you? You whine.
who's angry?
not me...not sake...
say we are better..![]()
"I am Japaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese player!"