$500 Million
Elitist Douche
Joel Sherman: Pettitte announcing today so fans know last home start Sun, full circle final start will be near Hou home next weekend
Why not? A lot of guys in that locker room should retire today.
Give the kids some playing time.
Joel Sherman: Pettitte announcing today so fans know last home start Sun, full circle final start will be near Hou home next weekend
how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico?
about as happy as bigD after the Dodgers win their division
So Pettitte is going to pretend to retire again?
No, this is all a ruse.
Congrats BigD
"Deep down, I know I'm better than CC"
No, this is all a ruse.
Typical attention whoring Yankee.
Rivera isn't retiring either, Jeter isn't really hurt, neither is Pineda (never has been) and Joba is actually a mole working for Baltimore.
Jeter is probably 20% hurt and 80% old.
and 100% GAY