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Aristocratic Hoosier
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That 2 out of 3 over the Pirates that the sunshine seekers thought was going to happen ... even though some of us more realistic fans pointing out that:

1. This team is poorly prepared and has been since June.
2. This team is poorly coached and has been since 2009.
3. This team is poorly managed and it's been evident in every single game this week.

When you sign Izturis to be your backup infielder, it stands to reason that he might accidentally be your only 2nd baseman. Why sign the guy? As luck would have it, he can actually reach base.

What a shame that this team insulted its fans during this home stand.
I suppose it's the fans' fault there wasn't any energy.
If Milwaukee had played any at all in May, we'd be in 4th place.

But all will be well come Tuesday. I'd wager the Reds get fewer than 4 hits against Liriano.


It is what it is
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You never know, but one thing is sure-Ludwick is going to have to bring his own energy- the Pittsburgh fans aren't bringing it for him.

In sickened by how this team has underplayed, especially the last month, when Dusty kept preaching patience and no need for urgency. It's players not hitting, but it's been Dusty setting the tempo, and the lineup card...Ludwick in the 2 hole...will Hamilton be on the playoff roster ? What about batting tees like Duke, or hitless scrubs like Hannahan ?

I hope the Reds miracle starts Tuesday, but the sheet music the Reds have been playing to in September doesn't sound like a well orchestrated performance is probable.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Manassas Virginia
Hoopla Cash
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The odds are not good for the Reds because of two reasons: 1) Road games and 2) left handed starting opposition. Lets break that down. Road games: This is where guys like Hanigan hit .137, Frazier .210, fan favorite Dudwick .231 and Choo .251. On the road this club is 41-41--not exactly a championship caliber performance. Left handed pitchers: A stick in the mud for the Reds all season long. Where your lead off hitter (CHOO) bats .215, Bruce .246, Votto .251. Guys who are suppose to whack lefties like BP .254, the great Dudwick in the 4 hole is hitting .269 with 3 double plays, 4 strike outs and 2 RBI's in 26 AB. Frazier .236, Heisey .259. To my surprise, Mesoraco hits .321. So that is the evidence that will lead to the Reds demise come Tuesday. The very 2 things they must overcome has beat them all year long. How could anyone in their right mind think the Reds will win? Stranger things have happened but it is just not likely.


Aristocratic Hoosier
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Urgency ... the AAAstros took the Yankees 14 innings to end their season. They lost, but they tried.
Miami got a no-hitter on the last day. It took a wild pitch but the damned guy did it.
Cleveland went 10-0 to finish the season because they needed to.
St. Louis kicked the snot out of the Cubs because they needed to.
The Reds went 0-5 in the last 5 games because nobody told them it was important.
Exactly how important was this last homestand? Dunno ... but 3 sellout crowds were told to get fucked because we needed Ludwick to bat 2nd in the lineup. We didn't mind that Leake couldn't get past the 2nd inning or that 5 home runs off one pitcher was 4 too many.
The guy the Parrots threw out there today gave up TWO hits in 5 innings -- off the same team that plans to try for a pennant. It was not against the scrubs.
Who got the remainder of the hits.
I thought it was appropriate that a double play and a strikeout ended this regular season.


It is what it is
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Like the 3 headed tie in the AL points out, they ALL count. Pick any blown game this year, and you could say that was what screwed them.

You can't throw every player on the roster at winning a game in April, because you need them for the long haul, but resting 3 starters at the same time without injury reason to do so, contributes to losing a game unnecessarily, whenever it was. Playing 14 innings because of missed bonehead opportunities to win in the 3rd inning promts choosing different players the next day, that sometimes results in a loss. Going 4 months with a 2 hitter hitting .227 costs runs that end up being losses. Allowing a couple of runs to score with runners at 2nd and 3rd, 1b open, and one out by pitching to the number 8 hitter at the plate and the pitcher on deck, ( happened twice in a week this season, AND in the playoffs last year) costs a team in the standings...just like errors, strikeouts or double plays with RISP by hitters, and walks and wild pitches by pitchers. They just don't advertise managerial stats like those...but knowledgable fans notice, and let no one bullshit you- so do players. It's just not cool to bring it up in conversation to blame a teammate or coach...youre a bad teammate if you do.

It's a team game, and if the team or staff had made fewer mistakes, the Reds would be in the Cardinals position instead of where they are...but isn't that always the difference ?


Aristocratic Hoosier
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Giving pitchers the necessary innings to get a 'W' in a pennant race is like volunteering to pay more taxes.

Homer Bailey not only didn't get a W, he got an L ... and Dusty looked like a moron.

And by all means, when the game is on the line, pretend Nefi Soto is just hitting in bad luck.


It is what it is
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, since the one game "playoff" is considered a "post season series" in itself, the Reds 25 man roster can be changed again if they advance to the real playoff in St.Louis...so Dusty and Walt have a few different playoff roster options available to them. It will be interesting to see who is on the roster Tuesday, and hopefully, what changes there are for the NLDS series.

One would assume guys like Soto would be off the roster...but you just never know. All else equal, id rather minimize Dusty's options to pick the wrong rabbit out of the hat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Manassas Virginia
Hoopla Cash
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REDS1507--you really hit the nail on the head by explaining the consequences of bad managerial moves and what you described is included in DustMop's ( moves that aided 8 losses in the 2013 season) 2013 resume. And I agree, the players see this just like the knowledgable fans do as well. Might even explain the dormant hitting at times because I can't believe their are that many NL Cy Young contenders. DustMop is a cancer and he will ruin any talent pool you give him. He has proven this every where he has been. Why would anybody in their right mind think he would be different here? He is a loser and needs to take his goofy wristband loving ass out of here.


It is what it is
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Hold on to your azz...1st pitch coming up. Id day that frenzied Pirate crowd should be a revelation to Dusty and team about WHY a sense of urgency three weeks before the season ends is important. Ludwick also gets his wish- an energized crowd.