Mike Oxlodge
I'm better looking than U
LOL that shit is awesome from last night.
LOL that shit is awesome from last night.
i said he wasn't reading your posts
details, kemosabe, details
and you still owe me an answer, bitch
pickles...you have to check out my posts from last night on yesterdays thread.....your the only one who hasnt laughed at me...i want to get that out of the way....so we can get on the road to recovery
well i hope you fuckers enjoyed it...because that shit aint happenin again
Rock especially. JD Downs, they have proven they are bigot trash over the years. They have gotten too descriptive for it too simply be saying something to get a reaction.
Further reinforcing stereotypes....do you also not know all your kids names?
when the blue jays lose...you dont make nightly appearances cock breath
and for the record...you missed quite a show last night
LOL ... I'll check it out now
The jays were winning most of the night. You might have a point if they were losing and i was posting prior to loss. Not so much if my last post was late afternoon early evening. But thats not the case. Oh and so i see you were punch drunk last night
fcukin uno...dont be such a fucking faggot more peoplr eould like you...but too much your a faggot...john isnt a faggot even though sometimes he want people to think he is an asshole....you always get faggoty when people dont tell you what you like
lets go mets
Rock especially. JD Downs, they have proven they are bigot trash over the years. They have gotten too descriptive for it too simply be saying something to get a reaction.
wait, who said this? im the farthest from a bigot you can get.
Who doesnt though?? i mean they all smoke too much sausage...
Cowboy...really...you needed me to tell you? Who else calls me "downs"?
i have not seen that motherfucker all day;...he ios dodging me because we fuckig owned those pieces of shit jay and he knows it and they are beaky fuckin faggots..
that one is my favorite