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Should the Bulls blow it up if they don't make finals?

DJ Fieri

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And saying Gentry has the Warriors the #2 offense as the reason he would be good for Chicago is stupid because he wouldn't have the SAME OFFENSIVE PERSONNEL with the Bulls.


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And saying Gentry has the Warriors the #2 offense as the reason he would be good for Chicago is stupid because he wouldn't have the SAME OFFENSIVE PERSONNEL with the Bulls.

That's why I said in my post to get a defensive assistant


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How do you know he wouldn't have? If he was still coaching, you;re saying Curry wouldn't have developed into the MVP this season? And the rest of the team wouldn't have played as well either?

As far as knowing the difference between a bad and good coach, you're a little biased. Example, Gentry would be a solid fit with the Bulls when history indicates otherwise. Just 2 winning seasons in 12 seasons as HC.

Because how many teams win 65+ games? Do you think it was a accident that they won that many games and run a better offense? The player development group has helped too which Jackson never got cause he was to stubborn to hire a better staff with him. The team also moves the ball way better this year than last year, it's night and day


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Would they they have the same success under Jackson? NO. You're telling me they would win 67 games? lol c'mon man. I know the difference between a good and bad coach. Also I am happy about the western conference appearance. This is the best coaching staff I've ever seen in 30 years by the way

Wow, you're lack of understanding is blatantly obvious in the above post. The success that the Warriors have had isn't about how many regular season games they won. That's not how success is ultimately measured. Success is ultimately measured in playoff runs and championships.

The Warriors struggled at times with the Grizzlies in round 2. If the Grizzlies had anyone who could hit from the perimeter with any kind of consistency at all, the Warriors may well have lost that series and your 67 wins wouldn't have meant shit.

As I said, stating definitively that there is no way that the Warriors wouldn't be where they are now (the WCF) under Jackson is every bit as stupid as claiming they would. Thank you for proving my point.

Also, as bks pointed out, this thread has nothing to do with GSW (another concept you seem unable to grasp). So if you want to continue this discussion either start a thread or move it to a thread that actually has something to do with GSW.

DJ Fieri

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Chicago DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME OFFENSIVE TALENT GS HAS. So, that destroys the theory Gentry's #2 offense in GS would translate to success with Chicago.



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Wow, you're lack of understanding is blatantly obvious in the above post. The success that the Warriors have had isn't about how many regular season games they won. That's not how success is ultimately measured. Success is ultimately measured in playoff runs and championships.

The Warriors struggled at times with the Grizzlies in round 2. If the Grizzlies had anyone who could hit from the perimeter with any kind of consistency at all, the Warriors may well have lost that series and your 67 wins wouldn't have meant shit.

As I said, stating definitively that there is no way that the Warriors wouldn't be where they are now (the WCF) under Jackson is every bit as stupid as claiming they would. Thank you for proving my point.

Also, as bks pointed out, this thread has nothing to do with GSW (another concept you seem unable to grasp). So if you want to continue this discussion either start a thread or move it to a thread that actually has something to do with GSW.

I don't get how they would have the same success under Jackson? That would of been a miracle. The stat I just told you about warriors passing the least amout under Jackson to passing the most under Kerr is the telling sign, if that's not I don't know what is lol. But ok gotcha


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Chicago DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME OFFENSIVE TALENT GS HAS. So, that destroys the theory Gentry's #2 offense in GS would translate to success with Chicago.


Hawks don't have as much talent as the bulls but are doing better somehow?


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By the way the grizzlies are the example of the gatekeepers of the nba, never a true contender unless they get another consistent shooter or 2


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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I don't get how they would have the same success under Jackson? That would of been a miracle. The stat I just told you about warriors passing the least amout under Jackson to passing the most under Kerr is the telling sign, if that's not I don't know what is lol. But ok gotcha

Not sure why this is such a difficult concept for you to grasp. It's like you're being willfully ignorant. No one is saying that GSW would definitely be having the same success under Jackson. What has been said is that we don't know for sure because he didn't get the chance.

The only one making definitive statements is you and your "analysis" (term used loosely) does nothing to show that the improvement under Kerr wouldn't have occurred under Jackson. GSW is a young team that has been developing over the past 5 years. They have taken positive steps as far as winning and making/advancing in the playoffs every season. That's how it works with young teams in the NBA.

Is Kerr really the difference? Or would this team have continued to progress under Jackson? There is no definitive way to know because Jackson wasn't brought back and therefore didn't get the chance to implement any changes that he might have made. We also don't know if Kerr would have brought them along in much the same way that Jackson did. Why? Because the team that Kerr took over, is not the same team that Jackson took over. They are more experienced.

It really is that simple.


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Last year under Jackson they were last in passes per possession. This year they're first in that department and you know why

There is no arguing this.
So, as of today Kerr got much better results with the same talent.

The test will be time. Can teams better adjust against then now knowing what to expect.


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Not sure why this is such a difficult concept for you to grasp. It's like you're being willfully ignorant. No one is saying that GSW would definitely be having the same success under Jackson. What has been said is that we don't know for sure because he didn't get the chance.

The only one making definitive statements is you and your "analysis" (term used loosely) does nothing to show that the improvement under Kerr wouldn't have occurred under Jackson. GSW is a young team that has been developing over the past 5 years. They have taken positive steps as far as winning and making/advancing in the playoffs every season. That's how it works with young teams in the NBA.

Is Kerr really the difference? Or would this team have continued to progress under Jackson? There is no definitive way to know because Jackson wasn't brought back and therefore didn't get the chance to implement any changes that he might have made. We also don't know if Kerr would have brought them along in much the same way that Jackson did. Why? Because the team that Kerr took over, is not the same team that Jackson took over. They are more experienced.

It really is that simple.

Without Jackson getting better assistants or a better offensive system non of this was possible IMO.


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There is no arguing this.
So, as of today Kerr got much better results with the same talent.

The test will be time. Can teams better adjust against then now knowing what to expect.

Time will tell. He just had lunch with popovich yesterday. I'm sure he's taking tips lol


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Without Jackson getting better assistants or a better offensive system non of this was possible IMO.

And you may very well be right. We just don't know for certain.

I will say that from what I have read about it, he may have been too loyal to his assistants. Sometimes, as a head coach, you have to be willing to let a guy go that you don't want to because you have the chance to bring in someone better. It doesn't even mean that the guy you let go isn't a good coach, just that there was someone else who may be a better fit. If you can't do that, then you may not have what it takes to be a head coach.

I just find your need to shit on Jackson rather than be happy that he improved the team and Kerr has been able to keep that progress going to be a bit odd. You act like GSW finished in last place every season under Jackson.

It doesn't take anything away from Kerr to say that Jackson at least got them pointed in the right direction before Kerr took over.


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And you may very well be right. We just don't know for certain.

I will say that from what I have read about it, he may have been too loyal to his assistants. Sometimes, as a head coach, you have to be willing to let a guy go that you don't want to because you have the chance to bring in someone better. It doesn't even mean that the guy you let go isn't a good coach, just that there was someone else who may be a better fit. If you can't do that, then you may not have what it takes to be a head coach.

I just find your need to shit on Jackson rather than be happy that he improved the team and Kerr has been able to keep that progress going to be a bit odd. You act like GSW finished in last place every season under Jackson.

It doesn't take anything away from Kerr to say that Jackson at least got them pointed in the right direction before Kerr took over.

I just thought he was a shit offensive coach that's all. He did some good things on offense. But we haven't dropped off on defense though cause Ron Adams is a good assistant


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After thst series and the rumors swirling of their coach leaving. Yes....yes chicago should change direction and start over. If they couldn't get it done this year they won't. Maybe try to get KD? To be your new franchise player.

Get KD, get Aldridge, maybe keep Gasol. What a nasty 3,4,5 man combo. Draft a young guard or get Rondo.

It's really easy to say get X player to come here and you're straight. From an outside perspective, Chicago now has a coach that is/isn't on the hot seat and not sure what direction the franchise is taking. By all accounts Aldridge is looking to get out of Portland, but go to San Antonio or Dallas.

KD, I feel is either going to Washington or stay in OKC depending on how Billy Donovan does his first year.

Also, Rondo's done. No point in debating that. He won't be the same PG he was in Boston.

Plus, Chicago's got a lot of money tied up in Rose, Gasol, and Noah and also has to worry about locking up Butler who's going to receive a max offer from another team (likely the Lakers). Adding another all-star doesn't look to be a viable option at the moment.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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It's really easy to say get X player to come here and you're straight. From an outside perspective, Chicago now has a coach that is/isn't on the hot seat and not sure what direction the franchise is taking. By all accounts Aldridge is looking to get out of Portland, but go to San Antonio or Dallas.

KD, I feel is either going to Washington or stay in OKC depending on how Billy Donovan does his first year.

Also, Rondo's done. No point in debating that. He won't be the same PG he was in Boston.

Plus, Chicago's got a lot of money tied up in Rose, Gasol, and Noah and also has to worry about locking up Butler who's going to receive a max offer from another team (likely the Lakers). Adding another all-star doesn't look to be a viable option at the moment.

Agree. It's the easiest thing in the world to say "Oh, they just need to get this guy, this guy and/or that guy and all will be well." However, in reality, when dealing with the salary cap, personalities, who to give up and who to get, styles of play, team chemistry, etc., etc. everything becomes much more complicated.

How many years have we watched the Knicks give big deals to talented, but ill fitting players only to end up with losing teams?

Beengay fudgepackers

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Hinrich gets no respect on here. Nobody can even spell his name correctly!


Nov 11, 2013
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Using Gentry's full head coaching record is misleading, IMO.

The majority of those 12 seasons... come from him being an interim coach for a team who just canned their head coach.

He's coached 5 full seasons:
- 2 with the Clippers averaging 35 wins per season, which you could argue was overachieving given that Elton Brand and Olwakandi were his 2 best players.
- 3 with the suns... with an overall win percentage of 65% and a Conference Finals Appearance.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
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there really are no ways to compare coaches to coaches with different rosters. There would probably be a chance if Thibbs had a player like Curry he would bench him in the fourth quarter for a better defender. There are probably 40 minutes or so per game that you really should have no trouble just trading baskets with the other team to stay close. That means you keep the offensive guys on the court when they make a mistake because they need to be in the flow of the game when they do start hitting shots. But Thibbs constantly pulls that bad defender and cools his shooting off on the bench.

That was pretty much one of the real sweet parts of MJ's career here, when they decided to play defense and needed a stop, it was instant defense, just like it was instant offense. Players need to accept their roles, but Thibbs never really dictated the roles to the bench guys.

McDermott got hurt, but he should have been shadowing Dunleavy everywhere, get a secondary screen, spot up and shoot the ball. Most times Douggie got the ball and needed to create. Snell can lock down regular sized twos and threes, not LeBron. I hope Tony grows his mop back again this year, at least he looked bigger with his long hair.

Gasol might ask for a trade if he feels the chances for a ring are slipping away here. If you want Aldridge here, Taj probably needs to get moved which puts Niko as the first off the bench. But I am pretty sure what Garpax is picturing is a starting lineup that includes Niko and McDermott and I really doubt that they want to admit their mistake in trading Aldridge away draft day a long long time ago.

I prefer we dont hear anything about the big named free agents this year, dont chase those top guys that Reinsdork does not want to pay anyway.