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Should NFL Players "Strike" Over Pay??


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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Jerry puts his own * in his statements. And you know this. 'Hey we'd win like crazy (paraphrasing), with no cap, but it's better for the league to have the cap.'

You're a Dallas fan, YOU KNOW that even fucking Dallas fans have a love/hate relationship with Jerry Jones. They tend to like Jerry the owner, and they tend to not be so positive towards Jerry the football guy.

So it's out of bounds for me to have a shades of grey nuanced view of Jerry from afar?

Fuck that.

I'm not clueless, again I'VE ALREADY apologized for my error on merch (that irony of ironies, Jerruh got changed by suing the league) and I'm not a Cowboy hater.

Why the fuck are you (usually a pretty solid poster) so butthurt all the time lately?
Yes we Cowboy fans have a love hate relationship with Jerry, but WTF does that have to do with you willy nilly throwing his name in as a owner who will kill the cap.

Again YOU ARE either a hateful of Dallas or clueless. Possibly both.

But that just my opinion.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
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And btw, I didn't choose ONE owner who'd vote to lose the cap, I talked Jerry in a thread about the Cowboys. If we were talking Redskins, I'd have mentioned Dan Snyder.


Ironically the two guys who were last fined by the NFL for getting cute with the cap.

Cue, it was an uncapped year! in 3, 2, 1...
What part of UN CAPPED do you not understand?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I for one would love to see the league and or owners fire these big mouth grossly over paid greedy pieces of dog dung for stunts like this.....When I think of our soldiers, policemen, firemen, rescue teams who are paid peanuts compared to these bunch of jerks just because they can run and catch a ball....Maybe the league should strike on the players and make them go get a real job for a while and take a pay cut....
Think about it, some of these guys make more than the president of the USA in 1 year then he does in a 4 yr term.....It's preposterous, and I know the players argument but it's still outlandish to strike for more money when you already are overpaid by a landslide.....
Andy Reid sent T.O packing when he started that crap in Philly and T.O's career was over after that...
That's what coaches and owners need to do to these guys who think they are bigger than the game....

The Don says; Shermie,
View attachment 163097

TO went on to make another 25+ million. Buffalo also gave him the key to their city. Reid didn't stop anything with TO
Fireman and police officers don't generate money like athletes do. If you think they should be paid less you're essentially saying... I want the players to do all the work, sacrifice there bodies, donate one in a million genius athletic ability and the owners should get all the money. Most athletes aren't loud mouthed jerks.
Movie stars make 15 million a picture but no one complains


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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TO went on to make another 25+ million. Buffalo also gave him the key to their city. Reid didn't stop anything with TO
Fireman and police officers don't generate money like athletes do. If you think they should be paid less you're essentially saying... I want the players to do all the work, sacrifice there bodies, donate one in a million genius athletic ability and the owners should get all the money. Most athletes aren't loud mouthed jerks.
Movie stars make 15 million a picture but no one complains


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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TO went on to make another 25+ million. Buffalo also gave him the key to their city. Reid didn't stop anything with TO
Fireman and police officers don't generate money like athletes do. If you think they should be paid less you're essentially saying... I want the players to do all the work, sacrifice there bodies, donate one in a million genius athletic ability and the owners should get all the money. Most athletes aren't loud mouthed jerks.
Movie stars make 15 million a picture but no one complains

I think you're T.O info is badly off the mark....He got a smaller contract with Dallas and went steadily down hill once he got booted out of Philly...
No I'm not saying specifically, let the owners make all the money, although without their billions already invested in a team, the players bring nothing but some physical talent to the table, why should they get half the money ?
But fans are the blame first and foremost, if they stopped paying the high prices for tickets, the price would drop to meet demand....That's the real problem, then the tv money would tail off because the fans are their target....And most of all, soldiers, firemen, policemen, generate freedom, save lives and keep our families safe to go where they want to....
I'd say that's a more valuable commodity than a simple football game....:rolleyes2:


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think you're T.O info is badly off the mark....He got a smaller contract with Dallas and went steadily down hill once he got booted out of Philly...
No I'm not saying specifically, let the owners make all the money, although without their billions already invested in a team, the players bring nothing but some physical talent to the table, why should they get half the money ?
But fans are the blame first and foremost, if they stopped paying the high prices for tickets, the price would drop to meet demand....That's the real problem, then the tv money would tail off because the fans are their target....And most of all, soldiers, firemen, policemen, generate freedom, save lives and keep our families safe to go where they want to....
I'd say that's a more valuable commodity than a simple football game....:rolleyes2:

Service people do provide a more important commodity but it doesn't generate any money. The NFL players generate billions. Jerry Jones paid 190 million for the Cowboys and has made 4 billion in value alone. That doesn't include his yearly revenue. I'm one of those guys that believe in paying the people who do the work. Tell me an athlete who has made a shit ton more than 4 billion dollars like Jerry and then explain why you think Jerry deserves even more?


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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They certainly have a right to be pissed about how much they are getting paid compared to any other sport
They only play one game per week.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Again YOU ARE either a hateful of Dallas or clueless. Possibly both.

Funny how I'm in all the other Dallas threads spewing venom then, eh? Oh wait...


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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They certainly have a right to be pissed about how much they are getting paid compared to any other sport

:L Any other sport? They have a right to be "pissed" to compare their paychecks to that of the average hockey player? And you just arbitrarily decided that sports who make vastly different amounts of money & have more or fewer players... should all pay people the exact same amount? :what:

I'm seriously baffled at the kind of things people say sometimes.


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Sep 1, 2011
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I don't think the players can win a stirke. What is it, 53 players on a roster? Many who are on the bubble to make a roster and even if they do maybe not for long. Are practice squad players part of the union? I would think they are. To many players can't afford to lose the opportunity they got at the moment, they don't want to lose that to working bagging groceries. Mostly any increase of the slice of the pie for the players would go to the elite anyway. In the meantime the owners got gobs of money and they'll have a plan in place in case of a strike. It's really a lop sided battle.


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Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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:L Any other sport? They have a right to be "pissed" to compare their paychecks to that of the average hockey player? And you just arbitrarily decided that sports who make vastly different amounts of money & have more or fewer players... should all pay people the exact same amount? :what:

I'm seriously baffled at the kind of things people say sometimes.

I think he is saying they have the right to be pissed considering how much money the NFL is making.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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$ 200.00
I think he is saying they have the right to be pissed considering how much money the NFL is making.

They don't have a "right" to be pissed about anything. They agreed to the terms they got. That's like being offered a contract to be an agent and then instantly bitching about the percentage you're getting.

If you think you can get more, hold out for more. They couldn't get more, and they know it. That's why they signed it. The deal was fair.


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Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They don't have a "right" to be pissed about anything. They agreed to the terms they got. That's like being offered a contract to be an agent and then instantly bitching about the percentage you're getting.

If you think you can get more, hold out for more. They couldn't get more, and they know it. That's why they signed it. The deal was fair.

Not really... Times have changed and the deal was made in 2011 if I'm not mistaken. Im sure there voices will be heard when the deal is up. Im not saying youre wrong... Im just saying, hypothetically, 6 years later they aren't happy. Seems like a strike could be coming and that's a bummer for the fans who love Sundays from Sept to Jan


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think the players can win a stirke. What is it, 53 players on a roster? Many who are on the bubble to make a roster and even if they do maybe not for long. Are practice squad players part of the union? I would think they are. To many players can't afford to lose the opportunity they got at the moment, they don't want to lose that to working bagging groceries. Mostly any increase of the slice of the pie for the players would go to the elite anyway. In the meantime the owners got gobs of money and they'll have a plan in place in case of a strike. It's really a lop sided battle.

Interesting take. What I find more interesting is how so many people side with the owners. I remember people being furious with the "greedy players" when they were locked out. It would be like going to work and the owner putting chains and locks on all the doors and people calling you greedy for not going to work. Our country has this weird infatuation with the super wealthy. As I said previously Jerry Jones made over 4 billion in value alone and people think he should get even more and the players are greedy.
I also find it funny that only athletes get criticized for making a lot while other big money people don't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
Not really... Times have changed and the deal was made in 2011 if I'm not mistaken.

That's why the deal was made with an expiration date on it. And, as I said before, the players agreed to that time limit. They have a chance to try to get more in a few years. They might also get less. It depends on where they finally end up meeting. But there's no arbitrary number that's "fair." There's only what the 2 sides can both agree to.