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Sharks' Window to Win


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Oct 27, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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This will be the first year in like 3 seasons (?) that Mitchell isn't rehabbing his knee so I'm kinda anxious to see how he will come into this season prepared. Plus it's his UFA year so athletes always prepare themselves that much more.

The guy I'm concerned about is McGinn. He needs some confidence because I feel if his career is that as a 4th line banger, that's a waste. He needs to be properly coached to gain some more overall hockey IQ.

Yeah, Mcginn showed a lot of scoring punch in Jr's and then had 10 goals as a rookie, but has just failed to put it all together so far. He is at a turning point right now. He's only 23, but he needs to prove himself this year.

As for mitchell, no matter how hard he tries or prepares, he will still be a twig with no board work, a pansy shot, terribad hands, weak vision, and minimal strength. His speed may allow him to be effective though, so hopefully that will shine through. However, he doesnt not have a high ceiling in terms of future potential in my view. Hopefully he'll at least pot 15 or so and be a so-so threat with speed.


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Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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I don't know. It's pretty close.


LOL, the one of the left was voted sexiest man in colorado tho. the one of the right reminds me of a young James Hetfield haha Im more into the lushish Ricci hair, then the Eazy-E Handzus hair myself haha

BTW the cubs/sharks thing wasnt ment to be a pick apart anaology. Im not that retarded to think 20yrs=100yrs. Its a comparison that both fans know what its like to be disappointed year after year, and both fans continue to dump money into watching the teams fail/choke.
If anything, you could call the Sharks bigger choke artists then the cubs, since the Sharks should have won cups by now but havnt.


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
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no no, 44% started in the O-zone for mitchell. Probably that's because he is on the 2nd or 3rd PK unit, so he jumps on mostly after a clear (hence the puck is in the O-zone). however, that means that you start your shift when the puck is behind the other team's net. Basically, that means it takes a solid 10 seconds just to get the puck back into the sharks' zone and it's a far easier clear and far easier to break up the play when you force the other team to enter the zone or dump it in rather than have the FO in the zone.

So yeah, mitchell's effectiveness on the PK is definitely overblown.

Even during the regular season, he started his PK shifts with the puck in the other team's zone 25% of the time (most of any PKer other than heater).

it's a major disadvantage to your PK numbers when you have to be the first PK unit because you automatically have a draw in your own zone with the other team's #1 PP unit against you.

This actually underscores how solid Pavs and patty were last year at PK work (they both started in the O-zone around 3% of the time.) and had 543 Defensive zone PK draws combined with just 12 O-zone draws. They were clearly the #1 PK unit.
oops my readin skills are suspect sometimes mah bad:tea:


Winning. Duh!
Nov 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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We'll have to agree to disagree on Handzus. I'm a bit shocked you don't like him with as much as you say you like Ricci. They play exactly the same dirty nosed, board grinding, style of game only Handzus has a few more teeth.

My guess is that he hasn't watched much of Handzus' play and he's just talking out of his ass like always... so let's give him a break on that one. :L


Active Member
Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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My guess is that he hasn't watched much of Handzus' play and he's just talking out of his ass like always... so let's give him a break on that one. :L

Ahh the SJ forum, where lemmingated opinions are praised and those that have different opionions are frowned apon.

Face plam yourself a little harder next time and it might wake up some of those unused braincells.

But just to please the crowd and maybe gain some all important rep points to put on my job resume: NIEMI IS GOD!!!!!!!! VEZINA RUNS THROUGH HIS BLOOD.
Happy now? :hockeysmile:


Winning. Duh!
Nov 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Haha... I don't even like Niemi but OK, I guess.

Anyway, carry on, sorry...


Active Member
Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Haha... I don't even like Niemi but OK, I guess.

Anyway, carry on, sorry...

Just goin with the crowd man.. Its like deja vu on the old sharks forum, think it was AOLs, when I didnt like Todd Harvey and the responces were If you love Ricci you should love Harvey... Now I should love Handzus too...

Ok, the Handzus signing was incredible & I love the new 3rd line, positive, positive positive, and long as I stay positive and tell myself Im happy with all the moves made this offseason everything will be ok and SJ will take home a cup right? right? reassure me its going to be alright rares! Im lost without the forum guidance oh how I should think...:ss:


Apr 26, 2010
Culver City, CA
Hoopla Cash
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Just goin with the crowd man.. Its like deja vu on the old sharks forum, think it was AOLs, when I didnt like Todd Harvey and the responces were If you love Ricci you should love Harvey... Now I should love Handzus too...

Ok, the Handzus signing was incredible & I love the new 3rd line, positive, positive positive, and long as I stay positive and tell myself Im happy with all the moves made this offseason everything will be ok and SJ will take home a cup right? right? reassure me its going to be alright rares! Im lost without the forum guidance oh how I should think...:ss:

You're really painting Rares as a teal-blinded optimist? Really? Like wall indeed.


Apr 20, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Just goin with the crowd man.. Its like deja vu on the old sharks forum, think it was AOLs, when I didnt like Todd Harvey and the responces were If you love Ricci you should love Harvey... Now I should love Handzus too...

Ok, the Handzus signing was incredible & I love the new 3rd line, positive, positive positive, and long as I stay positive and tell myself Im happy with all the moves made this offseason everything will be ok and SJ will take home a cup right? right? reassure me its going to be alright rares! Im lost without the forum guidance oh how I should think...:ss:

Dude, you can disagree all you want.....not our fault you make terrible analogies (I mean the Cubs, really???). You either have a short memory or you have no memory at all. You and I BOTH disagreed with Cmon on how TMac handled Niity and Niemi. Korky and Cmon disagree a ton. I don't think I see eye to eye with Rules or Rares hardly ever. The difference is, those two can have civil discourse. Another difference with you is that you're almost always negative (ala Rares). Rares and Rules are polar opposites. But yes, we are all of one and the same mind here; you have us pegged. Disagree and you get a lashing or a banning.....give me a break. :rolleyes:

Look, if you keep on spitting out negative, you're going to get people who disagree with you.....the same as if you only pointed out positive. Perspective my good man, perspective.


Absentem laedit cum ebrio
Dec 1, 2010
North of SoCal
Hoopla Cash
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Dude, you can disagree all you want.....not our fault you make terrible analogies (I mean the Cubs, really???). You either have a short memory or you have no memory at all. You and I BOTH disagreed with Cmon on how TMac handled Niity and Niemi. Korky and Cmon disagree a ton. I don't think I see eye to eye with Rules or Rares hardly ever. The difference is, those two can have civil discourse. Another difference with you is that you're almost always negative (ala Rares). Rares and Rules are polar opposites. But yes, we are all of one and the same mind here; you have us pegged. Disagree and you get a lashing or a banning.....give me a break. :rolleyes:

Look, if you keep on spitting out negative, you're going to get people who disagree with you.....the same as if you only pointed out positive. Perspective my good man, perspective.

I have to totally agree with this. On the other hand, I think you're way off base.:postwhore:


Is that...cabbage?
Nov 19, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Are we really having discussion about weather or not people can disagree on something? Wilson needs to make another move soon.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Are we really having discussion about weather or not people can disagree on something? Wilson needs to make another move soon.

Agreed. Is there anyone even left tho?... Its the year of players returning to the NHL, so on that note I nominate Alex Korolyuk haha


Winning. Duh!
Nov 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Dude, you can disagree all you want.....not our fault you make terrible analogies (I mean the Cubs, really???). You either have a short memory or you have no memory at all. You and I BOTH disagreed with Cmon on how TMac handled Niity and Niemi. Korky and Cmon disagree a ton. I don't think I see eye to eye with Rules or Rares hardly ever. The difference is, those two can have civil discourse. Another difference with you is that you're almost always negative (ala Rares). Rares and Rules are polar opposites. But yes, we are all of one and the same mind here; you have us pegged. Disagree and you get a lashing or a banning.....give me a break. :rolleyes:

Look, if you keep on spitting out negative, you're going to get people who disagree with you.....the same as if you only pointed out positive. Perspective my good man, perspective.

So wait... I'm confused... am I a cool dude or too much of a PITA *all* the time? :p

(don't answer that.. haha!)

And LOL @ korky's predictive text... Even though I think he knows the evil ways of AAPL and is using an Android phone (IIRC), this may still be appropriate:

Damn You Auto Correct! - Funny iPhone Fails and Autocorrect Horror Stories

(hours and hours of fun...)


Apr 20, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
So wait... I'm confused... am I a cool dude or too much of a PITA *all* the time? :p

(don't answer that.. haha!)

And LOL @ korky's predictive text... Even though I think he knows the evil ways of AAPL and is using an Android phone (IIRC), this may still be appropriate:

Damn You Auto Correct! - Funny iPhone Fails and Autocorrect Horror Stories

(hours and hours of fun...)

You're a good dude rares, I'm just right a lot :D (totally kidding.....about me being right a lot).