Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight. If you are hurt and come out then you are a pussy that wont play hurt. If you are hurt and do play then you are a selfish prick that cost his team the game. If you scramble all over the palce and make a huge play then you are a great athlete. If you scramble all over the place and throw a pick then you are just " an athlete" trying to play QB. If you are a top 10 pick that doesnt pass the ball that well and your team loses then you are a bust. If you are a top 10 pick that doesnt throw the ball that well but your team wins then you are a " game manager". If you go for it on 4th down late in the game and make it then you are " playing to win". If you go for it on 4th down late in the game and dont make it then you are an idiot that doesnt trust his defense. If you are a player that whines alot, makes headlines but perfroms then you are just a prima donna but if you whine alot, make headlines but underperform you are a team cancer. Did I get most of them???