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Seahawks SportsHoopla (FF)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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League standing


1.Uw Dawgfan4-1
2.Team Harold Seattle3-2
3.Team miller3-2
4.Team Tapey2-3
5.Fudge's Verdict1-4

1.Perpetual Karaoke Mode 4-1
2.Los Pollos Shermanos3-2
3.Cave's Johnson 2-3
4.Russell's Stiff Arm2-3
5.Fire BreathingMonkey1-4

Well no ones undefeated anymore and the top four teams remain the same but a different order in the NFC. As Uw Dawgfan4-1and Team Harold Seattle3-2 remain on top in the AFC. Where in the NFC both Perpetual Karaoke Mode 4-1and.Los Pollos Shermanos3-2 continue to battle for the number one spot. However next week is going to shake up the divisions with uwDawgfan playing Los. Can Uwdawgfan maintain his lead or will Cave Johnson be able to claim a tie for second in the NFC.

And mad respect to team Miller as hes been able to claim a 3-2 record for third place in the AFC while having Drew Stanton and Brian Hoyer as his starting QBs and the bills D. However hes facing one of the best in Perpetual Karaoke Mode this week.

And lastly the worst two teams in the entire league play this week between Fudge and Fire. Fire's entire season could have turned around the last two weeks and gotten back in to the race but he faced heart breaking loss from Perpetual Karaoke Mode and Russell's Stiff Arm. Its clear this year a new Champ will be crowned, and as for Fudge :L. Come on man, you got to keep your team updated. I don't want to win this week because you sucked for luck this year. Ya I'm calling you out.

Anyways good luck to everyone this week, GO SEAHAWKS:yahoo:


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3

League standing


1.Uw Dawgfan4-1
2.Team Harold Seattle3-2
3.Team miller3-2
4.Team Tapey2-3
5.Fudge's Verdict1-4

1.Perpetual Karaoke Mode 4-1
2.Los Pollos Shermanos3-2
3.Cave's Johnson 2-3
4.Russell's Stiff Arm2-3
5.Fire BreathingMonkey1-4

Well no ones undefeated anymore and the top four teams remain the same but a different order in the NFC. As Uw Dawgfan4-1and Team Harold Seattle3-2 remain on top in the AFC. Where in the NFC both Perpetual Karaoke Mode 4-1and.Los Pollos Shermanos3-2 continue to battle for the number one spot. However next week is going to shake up the divisions with uwDawgfan playing Los. Can Uwdawgfan maintain his lead or will Cave Johnson be able to claim a tie for second in the NFC.

And mad respect to team Miller as hes been able to claim a 3-2 record for third place in the AFC while having Drew Stanton and Brian Hoyer as his starting QBs and the bills D. However hes facing one of the best in Perpetual Karaoke Mode this week.

And lastly the worst two teams in the entire league play this week between Fudge and Fire. Fire's entire season could have turned around the last two weeks and gotten back in to the race but he faced heart breaking loss from Perpetual Karaoke Mode and Russell's Stiff Arm. Its clear this year a new Champ will be crowned, and as for Fudge :L. Come on man, you got to keep your team updated. I don't want to win this week because you sucked for luck this year. Ya I'm calling you out.

Anyways good luck to everyone this week, GO SEAHAWKS:yahoo:

Not sure what's going on with Tapey either. He started one guy on bye last week, but he might have just forgotten to set the lineup.


Staff member
Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
$ 45.14
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Looking at how match ups went this week.

Close's match up was Cave Johnson vs Fudge's Verdict 87-80 with Cave winning. This is rather surprising seeing how Fudge still has Adrian Peterson and Dennis Pitta in the line up even though they are not playing. I think all of us in this league feels Fudge deserves a swift quick in the balls for not actually competing once the draft was done

Next is Los Pollos Shermanos vs Team Tapey Tapey wins 84-73. Los was looking good with Wilson scoring 30 for him , but Tapey made up for it with the rest of the roster, defense played a big part, Los had the Texans who got him a -1, Tapey had the Redskins +16.

Next was Russell Stiff Arm vs Team Harold Seattle. They were tied going into the Monday night game with Russell having no one in play and Harold Seattle having the Steelers. Now some may feel that means a slam dunk for me, but as you see (with the Texans getting a minus) not in this league. Biggest difference was the second QB Russell had Ryan for -1 and I had Tannehill for 15. There was a time where I considered putting a QB that wasn't playing in my slot for second QB.

Next Perpetual Karoke Mode vs UwDawgfan, UwDawgfan slammed Perpetual 66 to 98, most on QB play ( that happens a lot in this league) Uw got a +25 Perpetual -3.

Finally we have the biggest lopside game. Fire scoring 54 Miller 100. The big difference? Defense, Fire ended up with a -16 backing the hated 49ers (serves you right) Miller took the Bills for +20


Uw 5-1
Miller 3-3
Tapey 3-3
Fudge 1-5


Perpetual 5-1
Los 3-3
Cave 3-3
Russel 3-3
Fire 2-4
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Staff member
Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
$ 45.14
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Time for a update. Start with the standings.
Team Miller and UwDawgfan are tied for the lead at 8-3
Harold Seattle is trailing at 6-5
Everyone else has quit managing their team

PerpetualKoraokeMode leads at 8-3
LosPolloshermanos is next at 6-5
FireBreathing Monkey and CaveJohnson are tied at 5-6
RussellStiffArm is pulling up the rear at 3-5 No doubt having to make a adjustment to the scoring system for this league.

I find this league challenging, the scoring system is much different then most leagues, and that is one thing that makes it interesting, it's a shame that some teams have quit and very little chatter going on.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
QBs are really killing me. I've had multiple weeks where guys had decent games on paper but end up with negative points due to turnovers.

For instance, I have Rivers in two leagues. Against the Jets he put up 33 points in the other league and only 11 in this one. Against Miami he gets 4 in the other league and -23 in this one.

Definitely makes you think. Picked up Sanchez after Foles went down and it seems Mr. Butt Fumble is just as likely to put up 15 as he is -15.

Also, it took me until last week to notice that kickers actually get 3 points for an extra point. I kept thinking everybody I played was just hitting the jackpot at that position every week.


Staff member
Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
$ 45.14
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QBs are really killing me. I've had multiple weeks where guys had decent games on paper but end up with negative points due to turnovers.

For instance, I have Rivers in two leagues. Against the Jets he put up 33 points in the other league and only 11 in this one. Against Miami he gets 4 in the other league and -23 in this one.

Definitely makes you think. Picked up Sanchez after Foles went down and it seems Mr. Butt Fumble is just as likely to put up 15 as he is -15.

Also, it took me until last week to notice that kickers actually get 3 points for an extra point. I kept thinking everybody I played was just hitting the jackpot at that position every week.

See I didn't even notice that. As for QBs I've seriously considered a non starter for my second QB, because a interception here or there can give you negative points.
This league is harsh, every week you see someone score a negative points at some position. However the scoring system is what makes it a challenge and different from any other league. I enjoy the challenge.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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No I don't think so, too much work to set up and than this one seems to always die near the end. And when I tried to be more hands :L on well, Even though I said I'd do it too (being more hands on). But anyways plus life problems I just don't have the time to create an maintain a league this year. I might join that other guys league if I have no responsibilities (other than my team of course) But that's what I thinking right now.


Staff member
Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
$ 45.14
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
No I don't think so, too much work to set up and than this one seems to always die near the end. And when I tried to be more hands :L on well, Even though I said I'd do it too (being more hands on). But anyways plus life problems I just don't have the time to create an maintain a league this year. I might join that other guys league if I have no responsibilities (other than my team of course) But that's what I thinking right now.

Yeah, it can be a thankless job to be commissioner. Join up on the other league.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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yeah my league is gonna be way better anyway if you win and the seahawks make it to the superbowl ill pay for your flight, hotel, and seat at the game

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,716.70
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.Good luck Seahawks fans.

I like the Raiders over every other team.

I like the Seahawks over every other team except the Raiders.

LOL... Opposite for me... I've always been a close Raider fan! They've always been my 2nd favorite team...