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Seahawks Lost Players in FA


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Apr 21, 2013
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Browner and Thurmond. Both starters that got replaced by "Next Man Up" and if resigned were potential subs for Seattle. These guys knew this, and left for a better contract and a chance to start. I don't blame them at all for leaving, they knew where they stood, and left for a better opportunity.
Impact on Hawks: Hurts depth but doesn't impact the starting lineup.

Maragos: A special team player, a good one at that, but is that why Philly signed him, or does he have a chance to some defensive action next year?
Impact on Hawks: Special teams, but can and will be replaced.

Clemons and Bryant: Huge key members of Seahawks PAST. They are declining players with salaries on the upper end and those salaries are needed elsewhere. They were part of a rotation and role players, just like EVERYONE on the Seahawk DL.
Impact on Hawks: Depth is hurt, but young players need to step up and fill those spots. If Williams/Hill/Scruggs/Draft Picks can't fill these voids, then out DL may take a hit in depth. Melton is still a possibility here.
Impact on Hawks: Depth again. PC and JS know how the young players are progressing, we don't. I leave it in the hands of them.

McDonald: Remember he was cut at the beginning of the year and is reaping the benefits of his great rotation and SB Championship. Good for him, but he will be replaced.
Impact on Hawks: Good rotational player, depth again, young guys need to step up/

Breno: This one surprised me a bit. The Hawks are weak on the OL, and this doesn't help.
Impact on Hawks: This loss needs to be addressed. OL worries me.

Tate: I loved Tate, and everything about his play, BUT, Baldwin/Harvin/Kearse/Lockett plus the Draft Pick and the other FA they signed, I'm not worried at all. I wish Tate the best, but Hawks will be OK here.

Bottom Line, besides Tate and Breno, other teams are signing our subs and older vets.
That is the Mariner way, and look how it has worked out for the Mariners.

Go Hawks.:suds:


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Seahawks actually improved FA:

Bryant: No longer a force against the run. Easily handled by ONE offensive lineman whereas his 2012 form handled 2.
Clemons: Never recovered from that ACL.
Tate: Could not stretch the field, no separation, quit on plays.
Browner: Flag mania + suffered against WRs who were deep threats.
Thurmond: Injury mania + suspensions.

The only and I mean ONLY FA I'm sad we lost is McDonald. Fuck everyone else. Useless cap eaters IMO.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Seahawks actually improved FA:

Bryant: No longer a force against the run. Easily handled by ONE offensive lineman whereas his 2012 form handled 2.
Clemons: Never recovered from that ACL.
Tate: Could not stretch the field, no separation, quit on plays.
Browner: Flag mania + suffered against WRs who were deep threats.
Thurmond: Injury mania + suspensions.

The only and I mean ONLY FA I'm sad we lost is McDonald. Fuck everyone else. Useless cap eaters IMO.

I would say Clem did recover to a point … He wasn't the crazy force he was but he still stepped up in the big games.. BUT no question he is on the cusp of decline … Also Tate I wouldn't say gave up on play's he was a good receiver for us … Browner we didn't miss because Max just took over and Thurmond has talent but Pete just felt it was time to move on obviously because he wouldn't have cost us much…


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Apr 18, 2013
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Everyone that is a Hawk fan knew that other teams would be going after our second in whatever slot we did not have nailed down or were releasing so none of this should be a surprise,i know i will miss a few that are gone this year and most likely next but we have last years draft and this upcoming one to keep the legs fresh etc.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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I would say Tate was the best PC / Schneider era player we let get away with FA. He's the only one I'm going to really miss, but I understand the Seahawks were not as desperate for his services as the Lions were who I believe way overpaid for him.

Losing Maragos hurts as well. He was a fantastic ST player and leader. But as the same scenario with Tate, the Eagles were willing to pay more than the Seahawks because they plan to use him more.

That being said, the analysis of our roster is that it's soo deep at most positions, we can deal with losing some of these past their prime vets. A roster so deep, we basically could afford to redshirt most of last years class, and we still won a SB. And expect some draft picks we take come May to get some playing time this fall. And ofcourse, camp will be loaded with invited players looking to make the team.

I'm sure by Sept, this team will be at 2013 or near it depth and talent wise to make another SB run.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I would say Tate was the best PC / Schneider era player we let get away with FA. He's the only one I'm going to really miss, but I understand the Seahawks were not as desperate for his services as the Lions were who I believe way overpaid for him.

Losing Maragos hurts as well. He was a fantastic ST player and leader. But as the same scenario with Tate, the Eagles were willing to pay more than the Seahawks because they plan to use him more.

That being said, the analysis of our roster is that it's soo deep at most positions, we can deal with losing some of these past their prime vets. A roster so deep, we basically could afford to redshirt most of last years class, and we still won a SB. And expect some draft picks we take come May to get some playing time this fall. And ofcourse, camp will be loaded with invited players looking to make the team.

I'm sure by Sept, this team will be at 2013 or near it depth and talent wise to make another SB run.

The one thing as is with most teams is injury's we were lucky for the most part last year aside from the OL and well Harvin.

My concern is the injury's because the NFCWest is just going to cannibalize each other.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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I also think it's great that none of them ended up on other NFC West teams. Most of them went to teams that are rebuilding and don't pose any real threat to keeping us out of the playoffs in 2014 or getting to a SB.

Looking at the loses to our roster right now, I would say the damage is minimal because of the depth. My biggest concern right now is the right side of that Oline. I hope we can improve their because I still don't like how often RW has to scramble to make plays.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
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The one thing as is with most teams is injury's we were lucky for the most part last year aside from the OL and well Harvin.

My concern is the injury's because the NFCWest is just going to cannibalize each other.

Agreed. We did amazingly well in 2013 with that. We entered the playoffs and SB at about full strength as you can get. But the football gods giveth, they take it awayth. This team will have a great shot getting back to the SB baring some injury apocalypse which has greater odds with the division we play in. We just got to beat the crap out of the Rams, Cards, and Giners more than they do to us.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Agreed. We did amazingly well in 2013 with that. We entered the playoffs and SB at about full strength as you can get. But the football gods giveth, they take it awayth. This team will have a great shot getting back to the SB baring some injury apocalypse which has greater odds with the division we play in. We just got to beat the crap out of the Rams, Cards, and Giners more than they do to us.

My personal three goals for the Hawks this season is.

1.Go win another SB.

2.Beat the Niners at their new home.

3.Get homefield through the playoffs again.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,798.00
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My personal three goals for the Hawks this season is.

1.Go win another SB.

2.Beat the Niners at their new home.

3.Get homefield through the playoffs again.

Awesomesauce!!! :suds:


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Seahawks are in good shape for another SB run. Most of the guys we lost were predictable and I was actual surprised they were able to hold on to McDaniel. I was kind of hoping they could hang on to Tate and Thurmond, would of gave the Seahawks fewer holes to fill, but that what happens when you win the SB.


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Apr 20, 2013
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Depth is something you draft and develop, not something you overpay for. Outside of maybe Thurmonds contract, I wouldnt have wanted us to match contracts on any of those guys. Even so I dont think Thurmond wanted to come back. All the decisions that were made so far had nothing to do with the guys we lost and everything to do with Earl Thomas, Sherman and RW in a year.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Depth is something you draft and develop, not something you overpay for. Outside of maybe Thurmonds contract, I wouldnt have wanted us to match contracts on any of those guys. Even so I dont think Thurmond wanted to come back. All the decisions that were made so far had nothing to do with the guys we lost and everything to do with Earl Thomas, Sherman and RW in a year.

Everyone i assume understands that and from my understanding speaking with people who follow the Cap we are going to be looking very good in 15,i believe we can roll over 10 million? as well but i have a hard time seeing PC and JS save all of that if we have it.

One thing i believe is that Allen and PC JS are very committed to Sherman,Thomas and of course Wilson.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,798.00
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Seahawks are in good shape for another SB run. Most of the guys we lost were predictable and I was actual surprised they were able to hold on to McDaniel. I was kind of hoping they could hang on to Tate and Thurmond, would of gave the Seahawks fewer holes to fill, but that what happens when you win the SB.

That's the thing that gives me lots of confidence going into 2014 for another SB run. We really didn't lose that much then what would of been considered luxuries for the roster. So many SB teams get gutted after a single SB run. Look at the Ravens last year. They we're absolutely gutted after the SB and paid the price for it.

Their situation to ours was different in the sense they were a much older team, vs we're one of the youngest of the current top tier of the NFL.

But still, looking at Seahawks FA, the damage is minimal compared to many other teams that go deep playoff / SBs and end up gutted at the core. We've opened up some roster spots for competition again. Tate is really the only player I would say approached "core" of this team in 2013 that we lost. Our roster is loaded and we still got draft and camp invites to get to before Sept.

Can't wait!


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
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Everyone i assume understands that and from my understanding speaking with people who follow the Cap we are going to be looking very good in 15,i believe we can roll over 10 million? as well but i have a hard time seeing PC and JS save all of that if we have it.

One thing i believe is that Allen and PC JS are very committed to Sherman,Thomas and of course Wilson.

Getting the Rice, Clemmons, and original Miller contract off the books this month was a huge get for us over the next couple years. The dead money hit is very minimal. We are managing the cap to perfection and not in the position we have to mortgage the future for an "all in SB or bust" scenario. This team is just starting to peak with lots of young not overpaid talent.

Schneidered!!! Boom!!!


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Sep 1, 2011
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Getting the Rice, Clemmons, and original Miller contract off the books this month was a huge get for us over the next couple years. The dead money hit is very minimal. We are managing the cap to perfection and not in the position we have to mortgage the future for an "all in SB or bust" scenario. This team is just starting to peak with lots of young not overpaid talent.

Schneidered!!! Boom!!!

It really was huge to get these guys off the books. Initially I was just looking at how it effected this year cap, but looking at the 2015 cap, I come to realize just what a great job the front office has done.
Schneidered indeed!


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Schneider is a freaking genius. I hope Allen signs him to a 20 year deal. Continuing to trim the fat (literally with Bryant) and free up room for more important signings while focusing on building through the draft.

Broncos are going to fall flat this year. Paper champs, I've seen it time and time again. You can't just go sign a crap ton of free agents and throw huge money at them, while expecting a championship. Doesn't work that way in the NFL, it's been tried MANY times and the teams that always do fall flat on their face. Incoming 10-6/11-5 Broncos team.