Absentem laedit cum ebrio
What happens if you've done these a few times and then somebody falls and cuts themselves on step one, is that an automatic win for the other guy?
Ha ha. Hell yes.
What happens if you've done these a few times and then somebody falls and cuts themselves on step one, is that an automatic win for the other guy?
Just stupid. I agree with the sentiment that most have...if you're rolling with the freaking shootout as a means of determining a game, why take away something that makes it entertaining? It's in for that very fact...
Another rule change? If you fight WITHOUT a helmet you get an additional 2 minutes. Just...just, why? If they're making this change to limit concussions, then freaking get rid of fighting. There's zero benefit to now inducing broken hands in addition to broken heads. You can still get a concussion with a helmet ON by the way. Sheesh. The only positive here is that MAYBE, just maybe, it'll discourage fights. The helmet can come off during the course of the fight, but you can't take it off previous to the fight. That's how I interpreted Burnside's tweet at least.
Its comical that this rule change is coming when visors are being grandfathered in lol
Three part goalie competition in OT:
1. Race from around the rink, like in the Skills Competition
2. Chugging contest, 1st to down 3 pints
3. Goalie fight. 1st to bleed loses.
Best 2 out of 3, but you have to win the fight or start over again.
I have lost my patience with these knee-jerk over-reactions by the NHL.
If they would just call the existing rules, this change would not be necessary. The rule s already there that says the puck must continue forward. So if, on review, it doesn't it's not goal. Why add a new rule that won't get called correctly?
Call the ones you have.
Jackets got burned by this TWICE this year, and I would not be surprised if they were at the forefront of this lobby. But if the rules were called by the letter of the law, it wouldn't be necessary to even have this discussion.
Like a lot of discussions we seem to be having lately...
Very true. They're making sub rules to rules already in place. Rules on rules on rules. This convolusion is when the game gets too complicated and calls are blown (SEE: NFL). All this said, I still consider it silly that we need this much regulation on an event that's a sideshow/crapshoot anyway.
haha... I think that move is safe Dash.
I love how they refer to Omark as a "23 year old phenom"